Research Deconstruction (A teaching method to increase student engagement)

Monday, October 14, 2024 – 12noon- 1pm AL 109 – in person 

Research deconstruction is a cost-effective way to inspire students through engagement with state-of-the-art research and network with academic and industry leaders. This presentation will summarize the history of research deconstruction in higher education and illustrate how this method may be used to increase student engagement. Specific examples from classroom practice and transferring this method to a wide range of disciplines will also be discussed.  Free lunch from the caf will be available. 

Report link:

Assessment Tools Resources Support 5/18/2023

Assessment Tools, Resources, Support 

Thursday May 18, 2:00 – 3:00 pm Central/3:00 – 4:00 pm Eastern via Zoom 

With Elizabeth Evans, Susan Gallanis and Kate Robertson 

This year the university is focusing on the continuous improvement process for learning in your program connected to your Program Learning Outcome aligned with GLO #6 Analytical Fluency.  This session is for anyone who wants information on the tools, resources and support available for this work. We will also highlight the instructions for this year’s reporting focusing on GLO #6 due no later than 10-01-2023, and plans for next year (2023-2024) program assessment focusing on GLO#3 and GLO #1.  


Tools Resources Support PPT

Additional Resources:

Plans for Program Assessment 2023-2024

In the 2023-2024 academic year, we will focus on GLO #3 Integrated Disciplinary Knowledge and GLO#1 Christian Faith. Next year, versions of both forms, adapted for 23-24, will be required. That means you will submit information on data collection, conclusions, recommendations on your Program Learning Outcomes aligned with GLO #3 Integrated Disciplinary Knowledge and GLO #1 Christian Faith. In subsequent years, we will recommend a cycle of review which always includes GLO #1 Christian Faith.

2023-2024 Focus GLO #3 Integrated Disciplinary Knowledge

“Our graduates integrate insights from a wide range of disciplines.”

This kind of learning engages students to build knowledge and abilities across two or more disciplines, including within courses, among courses, between coursework and practicum settings, within interprofessional education, and between academic curriculum and the university co-curriculum. Examples range from using multiple modes of inquiry, making connections among ideas and experiences, including reflecting on these connections, to synthesizing learning in new, complex situations within and beyond the campus.


  • 3.1 Combine or compare modes of inquiry, methods, or theoretical frameworks from two or more disciplines to address questions or problems (includes ULAO 3.b)
  • 3.2 Make connections from two or more disciplines to experiential learning in real world settings such as service learning, travel, practicum, clinical or internship experiences
  • 3.3 Apply multiple disciplines, roles, and perspectives in collaboration within interprofessional education (IPE) experiences
  • 3.4 Connect the curriculum and the co-curriculum  (academic learning with campus life and activities)
  • 3.5 Other (includes ULAO 3a, 3c, 3d)

If you have questions about assessment, please contact Elizabeth Evans at or 262 243 4283.

Instructions for 2022-2023 Academic Program Assessment Reporting

This year the Program Assessment Report is improved from last year’s report. Where previously we had two parts for the electronic form, this year we have one part. This one form includes the entire six-part assessment cycle from outcomes to impact of changes made related to your assessment work generally and GLO #6 Analytical Fluency. View the elements by clicking on the form.

A representative of every undergraduate major, stand-alone certificate and graduate or professional program should be able to complete this form by October 1, 2023, the final due date. This report describes your program activities and data on GLO #6 for the 2022-2023 academic year.

A second (optional) form is available for programs that were also working on GLO #1 Christian Faith in 2022-2023, and are able to submit information on tools, data, conclusions, and changes. This report is in addition to the 2022-2023 Program Assessment Report. View the elements by clicking on the form.

If you have questions about assessment or these forms, please contact Elizabeth Evans at or 262 243 4283.

Evaluating Programs Through Collaborative Assessment of Student Learning

Session Recording and Materials:

Evaluating Programs Through Collaborative Faculty Assessment of Student Learning 

With Elizabeth Evans and Susan Gallanis 

Friday January 6, Noon – 1:00 pm Central/1:00 – 2:00 pm Eastern via Zoom 


This session will highlight effective practices for assessment of student learning at the program level at Concordia. This session is part of our leadership development series for department chairs and program directors. 

Session Recording


Instructions for 2021-2022 Academic Program Assessment Reporting

This year the program Assessment Report will be very similar to last year’s report, in two parts, both available as online submissions.

A representative of every undergraduate major, stand-alone certificate and graduate or professional program for each campus should be able to complete Part 1 by  June 30, 2022 and Part 2 as soon thereafter as you have completed your assessment work for 2021-2022, hopefully no later than November 1, 2022. The last date for any submissions for 2021-2022 work is December 31, 2022.

Any data you submit should relate to student performance in academic year 2021-2022.  Data must be reported separately for each campus (Mequon and Ann Arbor), so if your program has students at both campuses, submit two separate Part 2 reports.

Further guidance for Part 1 and Part 2 is provided below.

Information on Part 1

Everyone should be able to complete Part 1.  If you are a new program and don’t yet have students, please submit only Part 1. If your assessment activities and data collection tools are identical across both campuses, complete one Part 1, and mark both campuses in the “which campus reporting for” drop-down question.

Part 1 includes a request to upload your current curriculum map.  The map should include all you Program Learning Outcomes, the alignment of the PLOs to the GLOs, including an explicitly stated connection of one PLO to GLO #1 Christian Faith. The map lists all required courses and shows where learning is introduced, developed and then assessed at the exit point. You can also include where learning in each PLO is assessed at the entry point (this is optional).

Here is the example curriculum map

Information on Part 2

Use this link to report your work and data from this past year connected to GLO #2

2021-2022: GLO #2 Data Collection, Conclusions, Improvements, Impact

For Part 2, you should be able to submit your work on at least one of your PLOs related to a past focus GLO,  if you don’t have anything yet to report on GLO #2.  If you have data on multiple GLOs, please complete reports for GLO #2 Service and Global Citizenship and GLO#1 Christian Faith.

During or after the data collection process, put your data in the five-point University Common Scale.

Significantly Below Expectations (1) Below Expectations (2) Meets Expectations (3) Exceeds Expectations (4) Significantly Exceeds Expectations (5)

If you haven’t collected, evaluated and made improvement plans for your PLO aligned with GLO #2 yet (keep working on it), you could share your work on GLO#1, GLO #4 or GLO#5 at these links.  Be sure any data you submit relates to student performance in academic year 2021-2022.

Word Walk-through of Part 1 Narrative is here: Part-1-Assessment-Report- Narrative-2021-2022-Overview-and-Walkthrough

Word Walk-through of Part 2 on GLO#2 is here: Part 2-Assessment Report 21-22 GLO2 Overview and Walkthrough

Word Walk-through of Part 2 on GLO#1 is here: Part-2-Assessment-Report-2021-2022-GLO1-Overview-and-Walkthrough

Word Walk-through of Part 2 on GLO#4 is here: Part 2- Assessment Report 2021-2022 GLO4 Walkthrough

If you have questions or problems with the forms, please contact Elizabeth Evans at or 262 243 4283.

Assessment PARTY 2021

PARTY 21 PPT August 19 and 23, 2021

Handout on GLO #2 Categories


Coming up: The University Catalog in which your program appears (G or UG) will be the Official CU home for all your program PLOs as of the 22-23 Catalog, to be completed in Spring 2022.
As you make improvements in your program and see the need to update your PLOs,  update them annually in the catalog and your curriculum map if they change.

Link to University Global Outcomes

What is EAC? With Susan Gallanis

Instructions for 2020-2021 Academic Program Assessment Reporting:

2020-2021 Academic Program Assessment Reporting

Instructions for 2020-2021 Academic Program Assessment Reporting

This year the Assessment Report will be in two parts, both available as online submissions. Guidance for these forms is provided below.

Part 1:  2020-2021: Program Assessment Report Part 1 – Narrative
Part 2:  2020-2021: GLO #4 Critical Thinking Data Collection, Conclusions, Improvements, Impact  

There are other options if you haven’t yet been able to collect and work with GLO #4 Critical Thinking data this year. Part 2 Data Collection, Conclusions, Improvements, Impact forms for GLO#1 Christian Faith (first choice) and GLO #5 Communicative Fluency are available for data you worked with that measures student learning for 2020-2021.

A representative of every undergraduate major, stand-alone certificate and graduate/professional program for each campus should be able to complete Part 1 by June 30, 2020 and Part 2 as soon thereafter as you have completed your assessment work for 2020-2021, hopefully no later than August 15, 2021.

Please submit at least one of these Part 2 Assessment Reports this year, more than one if you wish and have those data. If you are a new program and don’t yet have students, please submit only Part 1.

If your assessment activities and data collection tools are identical across both campuses, you can complete one Part 1, but data must be reported separately for Ann Arbor, so there should be two Part 2 reports with Mequon and Ann Arbor data submitted separately.

Guidance for Part 1: This online narrative form asks for information in several areas…

  • program assessment and curriculum development activities during 2020-2021
  • upload your Curriculum Map as of the end of the year, that
  • lists all of your Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs),
  • shows Program Learning Outcome alignments to the GLOs,
  • indicates where each PLO is introduced and developed in courses, and assessed at the summative [exit] level for completing students. If entry level assessments are planned, please indicate those as well (those are optional).

An overview and Word replica of Part 1 online narrative form is available  Part 1 Assessment Report 2020-2021 Overview and Walkthrough

Guidance for Part 2: Complete Part 2 after you have collected, analyzed and made conclusions about GLO #4  data for 2020-2021 compared to how you hoped students would perform, and made recommendations for changes to improve student learning if needed.

2020-2021 GLO #4 Critical Thinking Data Collection, Conclusions, Improvements, Impact

This form includes a section for entry-level assignments (if you have one) and a section for exit-level assignments including the type of assignment, the category of GLO #4, the actual data based on the University Common Scale (how many students were in each of these: Significantly Below Expectations; Below Expectations; Meets Expectations; Exceeds Expectations; Significantly Exceeds Expectations), your conclusions about this data- did this meet  your expectations for student performance? your program recommendations for changes, and the impact of any changes you made previously.

There are other Part 2 Data Collection, Conclusions, Improvements, Impact forms. You could submit  GLO#1 Christian Faith data you worked with this year, if you don’t have #4 Critical Thinking data, conclusions and recommendations for this year. GLO #5 Communicative Fluency could also be addressed if you worked with that data this year and did not complete either GLO #4 or GLO #1 data.

If you had students, please submit at least one of these Part 2 of the Assessment Reports this year, more than one if you wish and have those data. Data for the Ann Arbor campus must be reported separately from Mequon or Center data using this form.  Each program should submit separately

An overview and Word replica of Part 2 online form for GLO #4 is available here Part 2 Assessment Report 2020-2021 GLO#4 Overview and Walkthrough

An overview and Word replica of Part 2 online form for GLO #1 is available here Part 2 Assessment Report 2020-2021 GLO#1 Overview and Walkthrough


If you have questions or problems with the forms, or have other data to report, please contact Elizabeth Evans at or 262 243 4283.

PARTY 2020 Materials

Sessions held November 6 and November 9, 2020.

Recording of November 9 session

Final Party Slides November 2020 PARTY

Tammy Ferry’s PPT

Christian Faith 2019-2020 Data 11-1-20

Sample Curriculum Map – you can fill in your own Program Learning Outcomes and Courses and then identify where your PLOs are introduced, development and measured at the summative (exit) level of your program. You can also indicate where PLOs are evaluated at the entry level (this measurement is optional, while the exit level is required).

Critical Thinking Rubric using the University Common Scale – five points

Categories for GLO #4 Critical Thinking/Creative Problem Solving Detail – these are the areas to align your PLOs, assignments, and data  with on this years report next summer

Information about EAC for Outcomes Assessment

2019-2020 Academic Program Assessment Reporting

Instructions for 2019-2020 Academic Program Assessment Reporting

This year the Assessment Report will be in two parts, both available as online submissions. These online forms are self-explanatory but further guidance is provided below.

Part 1:  2019-2020: Program Assessment Report – Narrative
Part 2:  2019-2020: GLO #1 Christian Faith Data Collection

A representative of every undergraduate major, stand-alone certificate and graduate/professional program on each campus should be able to complete Part 1 by June 30, 2020 and Part 2 by November 1, 2020.

Guidance for Part 1: This online narrative form asks for information in four areas…your

  • program outcomes,
  • program assessment and curriculum development activities this past year,
  • Global Learning Outcome (GLO) #1 Christian Faith measurement tools, and
  • curricular activities related to Critical Thinking/Creative Problem Solving (GLO #4), which is the focus next year.

Last August at the Faculty Retreat you worked with your department to review the alignment of your Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) with the Global Learning Outcomes (GLOs).  The fruits of that alignment work are relevant to the narrative form which asks you to upload a document showing how your program learning outcomes align with the six university GLOs. The form also asks you to provide a list all of your program learning outcomes separately. The PLOs to GLOs alignment worksheet or a curriculum map can be used for this purpose.

An overview and Word replica of Part 1 online narrative form is available here.

Guidance for Part 2: After you have collected and evaluated data aligned with GLO #1 Christian Faith at the exit level of your program (and/or at an entry-level point, which not all programs can do), complete the second part of the Assessment Report 2019-2020: GLO #1 Christian Faith Data Collection. Data for the Ann Arbor campus must be reported separately from Mequon and Center data using this form.

An overview and Word replica of Part 2 online data collection form is available here.

If you have questions or problems with the forms, or have other data to report, please contact Elizabeth Evans at or 262 243 4283.