Blackboard Portfolios

This document includes the following sections:

  1. Access Blackboard Portfolios
  2. Create a Portfolio
  3. Edit a Portfolio
  4. Preview and Customize a Portfolio
  5. Add Artifacts (even before creating a Portfolio)
  6. Submit Your Portfolio in Blackboard
  7. Share Your Portfolio with Anyone
  8. Comment on a Portfolio
  9. Download Your Portfolio
  10. Instructors Only: Create a Portfolio Assignment (“drop box”)

Blackboard Portfolios PowerPoint

Blackboard Learn Portfolios 05232023 Directions


Best Practices for Managing Blackboard Course Size

Best Practices for Managing Blackboard Course Size 

Friday November 10, Noon – 1:00 pm Central/1:00 – 2:00 pm Eastern via Zoom 

 Led by: Tyler Shadick 


This session is for faculty. Blackboard courses have a finite amount of space before the maximum is reached. During this session, participants will learn best practices for sharing large files in their course such as videos and voiceover PowerPoints. We will also explain how using the course Content Collection can save additional course space and save you time when documents need updating or are shared in multiple locations within a course. 

PowerPoint Course Size


New and Returning Faculty Development Day: Blackboard Tests and Respondus LockDown Browser with Monitor

Concordia University
Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching

Blackboard Tests and Respondus LockDown Browser with Monitor

1:00 – 2:30 pm Central/2:00 – 3:30 pm Eastern

with Justin Frisque

The first half of this session will show how faculty can create Blackboard Tests using three commonly used question types. The second half of the session will cover Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor. Faculty will learn the difference between LockDown Browser and Monitor, and how to enable the appropriate settings based on where students take the test.


To view a recording of this session click here

Handouts related to this session:


New and Returning Faculty Development Day: Blackboard Basics

Concordia University
Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching

Blackboard Basics

with Justin Frisque 

Learn how to add content, Blackboard Assignments (“dropboxes”), and set up the gradebook for a Fall course! This is an ideal session for faculty new to using Blackboard. The session is for those who set up their own Blackboard courses.


For a recording of this session click here

Here are the handouts from this event:

McGraw-Hill and Cengage in Your Blackboard Courses – New Process Summer 2023

McGraw-Hill and Cengage are updating how they communicate with Blackboard. If you integrated either McGraw-Hill or Cengage into your face-to-face Blackboard courses in the past, Blackboard Support will work with you to migrate classes from the old system to the new system. See below for more information about each specific tool.

McGraw-Hill used in face-to-face courses

If you want to copy from a previous course that already has McGraw-Hill:

  1. Before copying the course, Contact with the CRN of the course you want to copy.
  2. After Blackboard Support has done their updates, they will send you the remaining steps you must do to complete the migration updates (instructors must do these final steps).
  3. You may now copy your course and continue using McGraw-Hill in your current course.

If you are new to McGraw-Hill

If you are new to using McGraw-Hill to build your face-to-face course, use these instructions (no need to contact Blackboard Support prior).

Cengage used in face-to-face courses

If you want to copy from a previous course that already has Cengage

  1. After copying the course, Contact with the CRN of the course you have copied.
  2. After Blackboard Support has done the updates for you (you cannot do this yourself) continue with the instructions below:

If you are new to Cengage

If you are new to using Cengage to build your face-to-face course, use the instructions below (no need to contact Blackboard Support prior).

 If you have any questions, please email Blackboard Support, or call 262-243-4327.

Instructions for Enrolling in the Orientation for Teaching at CUWAA

  1. Click this link to the Orientation in Blackboard.
  2. If prompted, click on Blackboard Single Sign-On.
  3. Enter your CUWAA username and password and click Login.
  4. Click Enroll.
  5. Click Submit. This will send an enrollment request to the Orientation Facilitator. The Orientation facilitator will approve your enrollment request in 1 – 2 days.
  6. When your enrollment request is approved, you will receive an enrollment accepted email. Click on the link to access the orientation.
  7. After your enrollment request is approved you may also access the orientation at any time from My Organizations right in Blackboard.




Copy Your Blackboard Course

Copy Your Blackboard Course 

Wednesday May 17, 11:00 – 11:30 am Central/12:00 – 12:30 pm Eastern via Zoom 


Presenter: Susan Gallanis 


This session is for faculty who build and edit their own course in Blackboard (example: traditional face-to-face courses). We will walk through the steps of a course copy, including common errors made and critical adjustments that must be done after the course copy is complete. 


Handout (brief outline of course copy steps)

If there is an error with the course copy or if you accidentally copied the course more than once:

Guide for Storing and Sharing Video Files and Voiceover PowerPoint Files

Video files and voiceover PowerPoint files are larger files that can take up a lot of space. Blackboard courses have a finite amount of space before the maximum is reached. Faculty and students can use this guide for alternatives to uploading a large file directly to Blackboard.

  • OneDrive (Office 365) is the recommended tool for students.
  • Panopto is the recommended tool for faculty (for video files and voiceover PPT files converted to video).
  • For fully online courses, faculty work with an instructional designer. Your instructional designer will work with you to determine the best method for storing and sharing video files.

Faculty: Use the space in your Blackboard course efficiently with the Content Collection.
Learn about the Blackboard Content Collection with this short video.

Guide for Faculty and Students

A downloadable version of this guide is at the bottom of this page.

Tool Description For large files, best used for: Help and Resources
  • Office 365/OneDrive is the recommended tool for students.
  • OneDrive is part of Office 365 that all faculty, staff and students can access.
  • Includes access to Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and Outlook email.

  • Videos: upload video files (ex: mp4, wmv files) to OneDrive then share the link in the Blackboard assignment.
  • Voiceover PowerPoint: Record using Zoom or convert .ppt or pptx file to a video, upload the video to OneDrive, then share the link with others.

Faculty may use OneDrive or Panopto.

For help, contact the IT Help Desk:
CUW:, 262-243-4357.

CUAA:, 734-995-7424.

  • Panopto use is primarily for faculty. Students will use Panopto only if their instructor has enabled a Panopto Assignment in their Blackboard course.
  • Panopto is a video capture technology.
  • Some classrooms are equipped with Panopto for live lecture capture.
  • Faculty can use their laptop to record screen capture or voice over PowerPoint.
  • Faculty can upload .mp4 video files recorded with other software such as Zoom.
  • If used in a Blackboard course, students can record a screen capture or voiceover PowerPoint in Panopto then upload directly to a Blackboard Assignment (“drop box”).

  • Record screen captures or voiceover PowerPoints directly in Panopto.
  • Upload Zoom recordings to Panopto for long term storage and sharing (more than 180 days).
  • Add a Panopto assignment in Blackboard if you want students to make a recording in Panopto as part of an assignment.


  • If your instructor created a Panopto assignment, instructions for creating a Panopto video will be included with the assignment in Blackboard.

For help, contact the IT Help Desk:

CUW:, 262-243-4357.

CUAA:, 734-995-7424.

  • A third-party video recording and storage platform.
  • Content uploaded to YouTube becomes the intellectual property of YouTube.
  • The Online Instructional Design Team manages a CUWAA YouTube account for online courses.
  • Uploading videos to YouTube and sharing link, if user is comfortable using YouTube.
  • For online courses, faculty will work with the instructional designer to determine the best storage method for large files.


Downloadable Guide:

Respondus 4.0 Test Builder

Respondus 4.0 Test Builder 

Tuesday January 17, 2:00 – 3:00 pm Central/3:00 – 4:00 pm Eastern via Zoom 

Led by Susan Gallanis 

Respondus 4.0 Test Builder software is available to CUAA faculty to create and manage tests offline. Tests can be printed to paper or published to Blackboard. During this session participants will learn how to retrieve a Blackboard exam and convert it to an MS Word document. We will also demonstrate how to import test questions from an MS Word document into Respondus, then upload to your Blackboard course. 

Session Recording


Questions Answered:

  1. Can the question type Fill in Multiple Blanks be formatted on a document for import into Respondus 4.0? Yes. They question type is FMB and is included in the Word template.
  2. Can feedback be added when converting a Blackboard test to a Word document? Yes. The example I used during the session was only the Test, so providing feedback to answers isn’t applicable. If you wanted to convert a Blackboard test to an Exam WITH answers, the feedback option in the Respondus settings appears. See screenshot below.
  3. How are images formatted on a document for import into Respondus 4.0? For Word documents, you can just add the image to the document. For .txt documents do the following:
    1. First, be sure the images are in gif, jpg, or jpeg format and are contained in a separate folder.
    2. Then place the following tag at each place where an image should appear: [ img: “filename.jpg” ] . The word “filename.jpg” should be replaced with the actual file name. Example: 3) The interferometer, shown here [img: “interferometer.jpg”], was used by which of the following scientists?


New and Returning Faculty Development Day 2023: Blackboard Tests and Respondus LockDown Browser

Below are session recording and materials for this program held on January 11, 2023.

