Concordia Faculty Seminar: Vittoria Sipone, Sara Casali

Concordia Faculty Seminar: Vittoria Sipone, Sara Casali 

Thursday June 8, 11:00 am – Noon Central/Noon – 1:00 pm Eastern on Zoom 

Learn about the research conducted by two Mequon faculty colleagues who recently completed their doctoral degrees: Vittoria Sipone and Sara Casali. 

  • Vittoria Sipone, Assistant Professor of Psychology at the Mequon campus, recently defended her dissertation at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee toward a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology.  The title of Dr. Sipone’s talk will be “Dancing Bees, Singing Whales. The Impact of Idiosyncratic Information on Children’s Attitudes toward and Moral Reasoning about Animals.” 
  • Sara Casali, Assistant Professor of Social Work at the Mequon campus, defended her dissertation last year and received a Doctorate of Social Work (DSW) from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota.  The title of Dr. Casali’s talk will be “Social Location: Why it Should Matter to Social Work Education.” 

Concordia Faculty Seminars are informal interactive presentations and conversations on faculty and staff projects including grants, research, and service designed to promote scholarship, spark new ideas, provide opportunities for meaningful discussion, and increase collaboration. Faculty, staff, and students are welcome to attend. 


2021-2022 Concordia Intramural Teaching Grant (CITG)

The Concordia Intramural Teaching Grant (CITG) is available to full-time faculty of Concordia University teaching a course in 2021-2022 incorporating a planned innovation which improves student learning.

Of special interest this year, projects that involve the following will be prioritized

  1. Identifying, implementing and evaluating an instructional model that facilitates mixing of traditional and post-traditional students
  2. Identifying, implementing and evaluating a pedagogical approach that serves diverse students
  3. Developing a writing intensive course in connection with Writing Across the Curriculum

The grant can be applied to team teaching a course for the amount of the additional faculty pay at the adjunct rate.

Faculty are encouraged to consider developing a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) project connected to the innovation implemented.

Please review the application instructions and policies document and develop your grant proposal in a word document. The application cover and signature page must be completed and signed electronically and then submitted with the word document by June 15 to

Please contact or with your questions.

CITG Part 1 of 2: 2021-2022 Application Instructions, Policies due June 15, 2021
CITG Part 2 of 2: Electronic Application Cover and Signature Page

Publisher or Predator? Evaluating and Choosing Academic Journals for Scholarship

Publisher or Predator? Evaluating and Choosing Academic Journals for Scholarship
with Elaine Gustafson, Library

Thursday April 2, 12:10 – 1:00pm

Are you ready to publish your research and looking for some guidance on journals? Join Elaine Gustafson, the Instruction, Reference and Research Support Librarian for tools and tips to increase your chances of article acceptance by identifying the best journals to submit your work. She will also share tips for avoiding predatory journals and understanding open access publishers.

Presentation slides: Library Resources for Faculty Scholarship Elaine Gustafson April 2, 2020

Concordia Faculty Seminar: Driving Wellness Home with Travis Suss

Concordia Faculty Seminar: ‘Driving Wellness Home’ to Improve Rural Geriatric Health, Education and Faculty Career Development: The Story of the Geriatric Academic Career Award

Presented by Travis Suss (Pharmacy)

Wednesday April 1, 12:15-1:00pm

Introduced by Rachel Heil (ORSP) and sponsored by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP)

Travis Suss will describe the ‘Driving Wellness Home Project’ (an interprofessional home health assessment collaboration between CUW faculty and Fresh Meals on Wheels of Sheboygan County) and the proposal for this project’s expansion through the HRSA Geriatric Academic Career Award (GACA) grant.  I will share some background on the GACA, how the grant proposal was developed, and the current status of the project.

Concordia Faculty Seminars are informal interactive presentations and conversations on faculty and staff projects including grants, research, and service designed to promote scholarship, spark new ideas, provide opportunities for meaningful discussion, and increase collaboration. Faculty, staff and students are welcome at attend.

Session Recording:

PowerPoint: GACA CELT Presentation_4.1.2020

CUAA Summer 2019 Programs

CUAA Scholarship Boot Camp Summer 2019

Tuesday, May 28, 10:00am – 4:00pm in Krieger 101
Deadline to register: 5:00pm Eastern, Wednesday, May 22.

Do you have goals to research, write, or produce scholarship this summer—a journal article, conference presentation, book chapter, or dissertation? Would you like to learn what projects your colleagues are working on? Then come get a jump-start on your goals and faculty scholarship projects first thing after Memorial Day. Come as you are; arrive and leave, as you need to. The goal of this time is to produce tangible work. We provide the space, beverages, a lunch, and you supply the focus and attention to projects.

10:00—12:00: Individual work
12:00—12:45: Lunch and conversation about our projects
1:00—4:00: Individual work

  • Writing Support Available: 30 minute slots available at 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 3:00 and 3:30
  • Statistical Planning and Analysis Support Available: 30-minute slots available at 1:00pm, 1:30pm, 2:00pm to meet with Angela Walmsley, via Zoom

Sponsored by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) and the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT).

Faith, Learning and Scholarship Faculty Development Session 4/29/2019

Faith, Learning and Scholarship Faculty Development Session
Lunch and Learn at Mequon or via Zoom

Monday April 29, 12:10pm—1:00 pm in the Lakeshore Room or via Zoom
with Angela Walmsley, Elizabeth Evans and Jason Lane

Concordia, as a Christian Lutheran community, can be the leader in faith and learning scholarship. Join the over 40 full-time faculty who are already doing scholarship on faith. Get together with others interested in developing a teaching and learning scholarship project around faith, service, or vocation for 2019-2020. We will form a faculty learning community to support one another in our learning and accountability in completing our goals. Learn how the CITG grant can support this work with a $500 stipend. Free lunch for the first 20 faculty who register in advance to attend in person at Mequon. Get your lunch and bring it to the Lakeshore Room starting as early as 11:45. There is also an option to attend by Zoom.

Handouts for today’s session:

Here is another article of interest
Smith, D. Ed., Um, J., & Beversluis, C. . (2014). The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in A Christian Context. Christian Higher Education, 13(1), 74–87.
CUW Library Permalink,ip,cpid&custid=s3443150&db=eue&AN=93350915&site=ehost-live&scope=site

Contact the CELT for further information on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and Faith and Learning at x2358 or

Library Resources for Faculty Scholarship

Here are some Faculty Scholarship resources shared by CUW Instruction, Research, and Reference Librarian Elaine Gustafson during her program from October 22, 2018.


Elsevier Journal Finder

Journal Guide Search

JANE search

Edanz Journal Selector



Scimago Journal and Country Rank

SCI Journal Impact Factor List







Research Gate:


Google Scholar:

Google Scholar Author Profile Search:



UIC Measuring Your Impact Guide

UMich Research Impact Metrics Guide

Florida Gulf Coast U Faculty Scholarship Guide



“Open Access Overview” by Peter Suber:

Connected Researchers Website

American Journal Experts


Research Sharing Rights

How Can I Share It:

Sherpa/Romeo (Publisher search):



Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association