Mequon Adjunct Faculty In-Service (In-Person Classes)

Please see the recording, PowerPoint presentation, and other information below:

August 2024 Adjunct Inservice

– PowerPoint Presentations:

Christ at the Center Adjunct In Service 08-20-24

08-20-24 Mequon-Adjunct-In-Service – Orientation

Presenters: Dr. Catherine (Kate) Robertson, Rev. Dr. Aaron Moldenhauer, Andrew Wahl (AV), Garrett Stremski (Help Desk), Jan Chapman (ARC), Devan Lenz-Fisher (Advising) 

Description of the event: The fall semester begins August 26! During this session for adjuncts teaching in-person classes on the Mequon campus, we will share important changes for this semester including the new First Assignment-Pledge for all students, the new “Alert” Tool – EAB Navigate, the new Best Practices for all instructors, how to find information on the new portal. We will provide access to resources addressing first day teaching, Christ in the Classroom, student academic support, Academic Resource Center services, classroom AV, Blackboard, and more. 

Information and handouts below from the event:

Attendance Reporting replaced by Enrollment Verification/First Assignment 08-20-24

Interactive Learning Activities

Short Portal Tutorial

Concordia Central for Students

EAB Navigate Basics and “Alerts”


ARC Resources

Best Practices for Teaching

Best Practices for Teaching  5.14 Faculty Handbook

Blackboard Basics 08/24
How to Find Your Class Roster, Photos, and Email Your Class

Faculty Helps for Blackboard

Faculty Handbook 5.14 Best Practices for Teaching

FLAC Acknowledgement How To

CUWAA Adjunct Faculty Handbook

Academic Calendar 

CELT Webpage

Set up your Concordia Zoom account 

Use Blackboard to

During the semester, Chapel is every day we have classes at 9:30 CUW Chapel Live Streaming

HESED Program Director Kelly Osowski 262-243-2022

Contact CELT with questions


New and Returning Faculty Development Day: Faculty Resources

Faculty Resources

Wednesday August 14, 3:00 – 4:00 pm Central/4:00 – 5:00 pm Eastern  

Led by CELT and ORSP (primarily for full-time faculty) (Elizabeth Evans, Catherine Robertson, Janessa Doucette)  

Description of the event: Learn what resources are available to you as faculty, including research/scholarship support, where to find them, and who to contact if you need more help. of the event

See below for handouts and additional information:

ORSP Faculty Resources 2024

CELT Instructional Resources 2024  – Portal Short Tutorial – Best Practices for Teaching (Faculty Handbook 5.14)


New and Returning Faculty Development Day: Blackboard Tests and Respondus LockDown Browser with Monitor

Blackboard Tests and Respondus LockDown Browser with Monitor

Wednesday August 14, 1:00 – 2:30 pm Central/2:00 – 3:30 pm Eastern  

Led by Tyler Shadick and Jackie Pomeranke 

Description of the event: The first half of this session will show how faculty can create Blackboard Tests using three commonly used question types. The second half of the session will cover Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor. Faculty will learn the difference between LockDown Browser and Monitor, and how to enable the appropriate settings based on where students take the test. of the event

New and Returning Faculty Development Day: Engaging Your Learners

Engaging Your Learners

Wednesday August 14, 11:45 am – 12:45 pm Central/12:45 – 1:45 pm Eastern  

Led by Kate Robertson and Seth Westfall 

Description of the event: Effective teaching fosters learning; students need to be engaged for learning to happen. This session discusses strategies to engage students in multiple instructional modes. of the event


New and Returning Faculty Development Day: Blackboard Basics

Blackboard Basics: 

Wednesday August 14, 10:00 – 11:30 am Central/11:00 am – 12:30 pm Eastern  

Led by Tyler Shadick and Phil Koch 

Description of the event: Learn how to add content, Blackboard Assignments (“dropboxes”) and set up the gradebook for your Fall course! This is an ideal session for faculty new to using Blackboard. The session is for those who set up their own Blackboard courses. of the event from the event


New and Returning Faculty Development Day: Designing/Refreshing Your Course and Syllabus

Designing/Refreshing Your Course and Syllabus:

Wednesday August 14, 8:15 – 9:45 am Central/9:15 – 10:45 am Eastern  

Led by Kate Robertson and Elizabeth Evans  

Description of the event: Learn about and incorporate best practices in course design and syllabus development. This interactive session includes how to improve your objectives and align course objectives with assessments. The Concordia University syllabus template latest revision and how to connect to program and University Learning Outcomes will also be discussed. of the event

Handouts from the event below:

2- Bloom’s Verbs, Assessment and Questioning Strategies

3-Blooms Taxonomy Wheel Color

4- CU Evaluation of Instruction Proposed Model 2019 E Evans


6-BUS3620 Family Business Strategic Plan Syllabus B.Bremeier 06-24

7-PSY 465 Psychology Capstone Syllabus C. Stark June 2024

8-PHYS 1514 General Physics I _06-24_AViets

9- Enrollment Verification-First Assignment Policy


Academic Program Assessment Leader Roundtable 24

Please see the recording, PowerPoint Presentation, and other information below:– recording of the event

Program Assessment Leader Roundtable 24– PowerPoint Presentation

Description of the event: This is an event for all academic program assessment leaders including faculty assessment committee members at each campus. Leaders contribute to collegial conversations about assessment practices and experiences, their development in the phases of the assessment cycle, and share improvements made in the past year arising out of assessment results. This session will feature the work done in the past year, and what is coming up in 2024-2025. Departments are working on preparing their reports due October 1st on activities in 2023-2024 on their Program Learning Outcomes that align with University Learning Outcomes #1 Christian Faith and #3 Integrated Disciplinary Knowledge. Reminders about current year instructions, resources and support information will be available on the Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes channel on the portal (faculty tab). 

How to Develop Effective Program Learning Outcomes:


Curriculum Map Example EXCEL 2024


Instructions to Submit 2023-2024 Assessment Reports:


Criteria for Evaluating Academic Program Assessment (includes 24-25 update):


Academic Program Proposal Training 2024:


Academic Program Proposal Directions and Submission for New, Change, Closure and etc, instructions and tools 


Concordia Best Practices for Teaching 2024-2025

Concordia Best Practices for Teaching 2024-2025

For All Concordia Instructors

From the Faculty Handbook, page 136, on the portal at

5.14 Best Practices for Teaching (A) (Added July 2024)

Because Concordia values and embodies responsive, student-centered teaching, all instructors strive to achieve these evidence-based best practices that foster student engagement and high levels of learning.

In the Learning Management System (LMS):

  1. Open the course (make course available to students) on the Friday before the first day of the term/semester
  2. Post a welcome announcement on or before the first day of the term/semester
  3. Post the course syllabus, including the schedule, and make it easy to locate on the Content page; include final exam day and time on the schedule if giving one
  4. Make instructor contact information, including office hours, easy to locate (must be on the syllabus)
  5. Effectively organize course materials including assignments and required resources
  6. Use the LMS gradebook to enter all graded student work and verify that the gradebook calculates the course grade as described in the syllabus
  7. Set the “external grade” so that students can always view their current cumulative grade
  8. Ensure that course content is current and all links function
  9. Whenever possible, create assignments within the LMS

During the class

  1. Follow the schedule outlined on the syllabus (if schedule modifications become necessary, provide those to students in writing via the LMS and announce/describe in class)
  2. Use evidence-based, active learning strategies that engage students
  3. Connect learning activities, required readings, quizzes/exams and all assignments directly to the course objectives/course learning outcomes, and connect learning activities directly to learning assessments
  4. Make assignment directions and grading criteria clear and explicit
  5. Use students’ names and demonstrate care and concern for them
  6. Connect Christian faith with subject matter
  7. Promptly grade all assignments and provide substantive feedback designed to aid learning
  8. Comply with ARC expectations for student accommodations
  9. Reach out to any student who fails to complete University First Assignment/Pledge (Enrollment Verification), fails to submit assignments or is excessively absent. Alert the registrar if the student should be withdrawn.

Fully online courses only:

  1. Demonstrate regular and substantive interaction with students by logging into the course multiple times each week, interacting frequently with students on discussion forums, communicating with students concerning course content and learning, and holding office hours
  2. Grade assignments in a timely manner and provide students with frequent, regular feedback

In-person and virtual courses only:

  1. Use all assigned class time for learning; begin and end class on time
  2. Hold a final exam or final assignment during the university-designated final exam period; instructors may not alter dates/times of final exams without written permission from their dean

At the end of the course:

  1. Promptly grade all student work and ensure that final grades are visible to students in LMS
  2. Enter a final grade for every student into the Banner system on or before the university’s deadline
  3. Resolve any incompletes within the required timeframe

FREE! Open Educational Resources (OERs) 101: Information for Faculty on Including OERs in Their Courses

Please see the recording, PowerPoint Presentation, and other information below:– recording of the event

OER powerpoint 08052024– PowerPoint Presentation

Presenters: Maria Becker and Kate Robertson

Description of the event: Are you frustrated by the limitations of a single textbookAre you trying to be cost-conscious for your studentsCome to this session to learn about OERs; how to locate them and how to integrate them into your existing coursesHow to cite OERs and other copyright concerns will also be addressed. 


Understanding Student Use of Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) (via Zoom)

Please see the recording, PowerPoint presentation, and other information below: of the event

PLA Session for Staff-Faculty 08-01-24 -PowerPoint Presentation

Presenter: Elizabeth Evans 

Description of the event: Prior Learning Assessment is an approach to earning credit that allows CU undergraduate students to seek credit for learning that occurred outside the traditional educational setting. This session provides an overview of the policies and procedures for students using PLA.   

Prior learning credits, if awarded, may apply either toward the academic major, minor or required elective coursework within the bachelor’s degree, with limitations. A maximum of 21 prior learning credits can be awarded and these credits may not be included within the thirty-six residency credits completed at Concordia University. Prior Learning Assessment falls within the “transfer credit” policies of the Registrar’s Office. The fee for reviewing such documentation is $80 per credit, which is billed to the student account at the time of the review. 

To locate information about Prior Learning Assessment at Concordia in the future, search the Concordia portal for the page “Non-traditional Approaches to Earning Credit”

Prior Learning Assessment PLA Policies 08-24 

Prior Learning Assessment Development Manual 08-24

PLA Experience Example Mapping Chart
