Academic Program Assessment Leader Roundtable 24

Please see the recording, PowerPoint Presentation, and other information below:– recording of the event

Program Assessment Leader Roundtable 24– PowerPoint Presentation

Description of the event: This is an event for all academic program assessment leaders including faculty assessment committee members at each campus. Leaders contribute to collegial conversations about assessment practices and experiences, their development in the phases of the assessment cycle, and share improvements made in the past year arising out of assessment results. This session will feature the work done in the past year, and what is coming up in 2024-2025. Departments are working on preparing their reports due October 1st on activities in 2023-2024 on their Program Learning Outcomes that align with University Learning Outcomes #1 Christian Faith and #3 Integrated Disciplinary Knowledge. Reminders about current year instructions, resources and support information will be available on the Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes channel on the portal (faculty tab). 

How to Develop Effective Program Learning Outcomes:


Curriculum Map Example EXCEL 2024


Instructions to Submit 2023-2024 Assessment Reports:


Criteria for Evaluating Academic Program Assessment (includes 24-25 update):


Academic Program Proposal Training 2024:


Academic Program Proposal Directions and Submission for New, Change, Closure and etc, instructions and tools 


FREE! Open Educational Resources (OERs) 101: Information for Faculty on Including OERs in Their Courses

Please see the recording, PowerPoint Presentation, and other information below:– recording of the event

OER powerpoint 08052024– PowerPoint Presentation

Presenters: Maria Becker and Kate Robertson

Description of the event: Are you frustrated by the limitations of a single textbookAre you trying to be cost-conscious for your studentsCome to this session to learn about OERs; how to locate them and how to integrate them into your existing coursesHow to cite OERs and other copyright concerns will also be addressed. 


New this Fall: First Assignment Requirements in Blackboard

We are no longer using the Automated Attendance Tool to record attendance. You may wish to record attendance for your own purposes, such as follow-up with students and referral to support services through Navigate. Students now need to complete the First Assignment/Enrollment Verification to indicate their participation in the course.

(5.6.F of Faculty Handbook)

Attendance Reporting and Procedures Policy

Class attendance is very important, not only to the instructor and the individual student, but also to the entire campus community. While the university does not require attendance to be reported, faculty will still want to communicate should reach out to any student who fails to submit assignments or is excessively absent, and alert the Registrar in any cases where the student should be withdrawn. Faculty can access up-to-date course rosters through Self-Service Banner or Navigate.

In face-to-face, virtual, and online learning environments, instructors may choose to have an attendance policy in their syllabus. Faculty must clearly define the consequences for non- attendance and include their policy on withdrawing due to excessive absence. If attendance is identified as a portion of the student’s final grade, faculty must maintain a record of students’ attendance throughout the term.

Enrollment Verification

Students are required to submit a university-wide first assignment to acknowledge course participation. The first assignment will be available to students at 12:01am on the first day of their course. First assignment submission information is available to faculty via a link on the portal.

Faculty can view their current CRN’s and see their course rosters which will indicate whether or not each student has completed the first assignment. Faculty are encouraged to reach out to students who have not submitted their first assignment. Students who do not submit the first assignment will automatically be dropped for non-attendance by the Registrar’s Office.

Please see the recording and other information below:

Event Recording:

Handouts from Presentations:

Presenters: Stephanie Barnhill, Lisa Stenulson, and Brooke Johnson

Description of the event: Recording accurate student enrollment is important for financial aid, billing changes, housing eligibility, immigration status, athletic eligibility, and faculty load and compensation. This enrollment data will now be captured as a “first assignment” that has been automatically built into all courses. Join us as we discuss the who, what, where, when, why, and how of the process. We will share dates, deadlines, and communication plans and walk faculty through the steps. In addition, we will show you what it looks like for a student to complete the First Assignment.


Academic Program Proposal Training #2- 2024

Please see the recording and PowerPoint presentation for the training: – recording of the event

Academic Program Proposal Presentation – slides only (PowerPoint)

Presenters: Brooke Johnson, Elizabeth Evans, and Stephanie Barnhill

Description of the event: Join us for training on the submission of new/program change and suspend/discontinue requests using the Academic Program Proposal workbook. We will review the three steps (Instructions & Resources, Download & Complete, and Submit & Share) to a successful submission and answer any questions you may have. In order for proposed changes to be considered for the 2025-2026 academic year, the submissions must be completed no later than November 20, 2024. 


Advancement in Rank Process 2024

Please see the recording below for tips on how to advance in rank: -recording of event

ADVANCEMENT IN RANK presentation 2024 -slides only

Description of the event:  The Academic Office, along with the CUW Rank and Promotion Committee and the CUAA Peer Review Committee, will present information about the process and timeline to apply for advancement in faculty rankWe will also discuss how to best present your accomplishments for each committee’s review, and what the portfolio requires


Zoom Security

As users of our institutional Zoom account for “Meetings,” there are many approaches we can use to prevent unwanted intrusions or “Zoom bombings” from happening in our virtual classes and events. We want Concordia meetings and classes to be safe and welcoming for everyone.

Here are a few safeguards we recommend using with Zoom Meetings:

When you are a participant

  • Be sure to sign into your Concordia (CUWAA) Zoom account. Anyone with a CUWAA e-mail can connect through our account. After you have downloaded a Zoom client, follow these instructions to sign into your CUWAA Zoom account: Sign into CUWAA Zoom Account Instructions
  • Do not share the links to any Meeting with those outside our community.

When you are a planner or host for an event

  • Do not post your link on social media, a website, or any public spaces\
  • Keep your Zoom app on your computer updated to the most recent software (click on your name icon, then “check for updates.”
  • Require your CUWAA participants to connect their device to their CUWAA account and automatically bypass the waiting room:
    Sign into CUWAA Zoom Account Instructions
  • For an added layer of security, edit the meeting settings to automatically generate a unique meeting id (do not use your personal meeting id or PMI) and  set a passcode for the meeting so only users with the invite link or passcode can join.
  • For persons outside the university, when they join they will be admitted to the waiting room. Take caution when admitting people from the waiting room.
    • Closely check the names of the people you allow in from the waiting room. All verified CUWAA accounts bypass the waiting room, including students if they are using their CUWAA account.
    • If you have a few non-CU persons you are inviting, find out the name used by their device so you can identify them before you admit them from the waiting room.
    • If you wish to invite a number of persons that do not have CUWAA e-mails, consider using the Zoom registration process so you have information on participants prior to their arrival in the waiting room.  Set up or edit your non-recurring meeting at with “registration” required (check the box). This means you will collect information from everyone seeking the link.  Instructions for using the registration process
    • If you have a significant number of persons outside CUWAA, inquire about using the CU Webinar License forpublic Zoom Webinars have more built in security features as attendees cannot use audio.  Contact me, for more information.
  • When you are hosting Meetings, use your account setting options at to minimize potential intrusion from someone set on disturbing your meeting, and use the in-meeting Security features once the Meeting is underway.
    • In the settings area, enable “mute all participants when they join a meeting” so that they will need to request the ability to talk which will also share their video. In Meeting Security Options
    • Under in-meeting basic settings, enable screen sharing, but identify “host only” and then you can grant “share screen” rights to individuals in your meeting when it’s appropriate.
    • Use the Security icon in your Meeting controls bar to remove anyone who is causing trouble.  Use the option “Suspend Participant Activities” to turn off all participants video, audio, ability to share screens, and locks the Meeting.
    • During the Meeting, ask a co-host to watch for intrusions and be prepared to eliminate anyone disrupting the Meeting and report that user to Zoom.
    • In-meeting security features are explained here In Meeting Security Options

If you need help with accessing or using Zoom, call the HELP Desk at Mequon at 262-243-4357 or (866) 849-4272 or e-mail