Four Videos to Set Up Your Course in Blackboard

These four videos show faculty what they need to know to get a course set up in Blackboard:

Blackboard Instructions: Import and Export a Rubric

Import a Rubric:

Export a Rubric:

Blackboard Instructions: Assess an Assignment Using a Rubric Attached to a Stand Alone Grade Center Column

Document: Assess an Assignment Using a Rubric that is Attached to a Stand Alone Grade Center Column NG 10222019


Link to video:

PDF files of GLO University Rubrics:

Writing Intensive Resources

Some resources below require log in to the CUW Library (on the portal).

Popham, W. (1997). What’s wrong – and what’s right – with rubrics. Educational Leadership55(2), 72–75.

Wilson, M. (2007). Why I Won’t Be Using Rubrics to Respond to Students’ Writing. The English Journal, 96(4), 62-66. doi:10.2307/30047167

Winterim 2020 writing intensive courses (session handout)