Instructions for 2023-2024 Academic Program Assessment and Reporting

Instructions for 2023-2024 Academic Program Assessment and Reporting

Your work in programs is to develop students in the knowledge and abilities you have described in your Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs). The process of Assessment is your evaluation of how well the students are doing compared to your expectations, especially your expectations as they complete the program. As you measure student learning, and then make conclusions about where and how students are meeting program expectations, you will want to identify changes to implement in your program that can improve student learning. This is the process of curriculum development and assessment done collaboratively by faculty each year.  As improvements are implemented and new evaluations of learning are made, this builds to a cycle of continuous improvement.

This year program faculty and staff are asked to work on curriculum development and assessment activities related to your Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) most closely aligned Christian Faith (University Learning Outcome #1) and Integrated Disciplinary Knowledge (University Learning Outcome #3).

A representative of every undergraduate major, stand-alone certificate and graduate or professional program should submit their report on this work for the 2023-2024 academic year by October 1, 2024, the final due date.

Please plan to attend the Academic Program Assessment Leader Roundtable 20224 (via Zoom) Thursday August 8, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm Central/12:30 – 2:00 pm Eastern.

More Information on this essential improvement process is on the Assessment of Student Learning Outcome channel on the faculty tab of the portal.

Cycle of Assessment/Continuous Improvement
Curriculum Map Example 2023 Word
Curriculum Map Example 2023 Excel
University Learning Outcome Categories 1-6

University Common Scale
Criteria for Evaluating Academic Program Assessment
Indicators of Good Practice in Assessment

If you have questions about assessment or these forms, please contact Elizabeth Evans at or 262 243 4283.

Mequon Faculty Institute May 2024 Information

Mequon Faculty Institute May 2024 Information

Ready for Research: Planning a Productive Summer

Sponsored by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

Monday, May 13, 2024 11:00am – 1:00pm (CDT) LOCATION: Online

Registration is required for this event:

Concordia University Wisconsin-Ann Arbor’s Office of Research and Sponsored Programs is pleased to present our Ready for Research workshop series for the 2023-2024 academic year.

You’ve said it all year: “I’ll have time this summer.” Now it’s time to actually get those things planned out and put them on your calendar! Let ORSP help you prioritize your time to get the most out of your short but sweet time out of the classroom. Contact with Questions:  Janessa Doucette  

May Faculty Institute Mequon Campus May 14-16

Please contact Catherine “Kate” Robertson or Elizabeth Evans with questions on the following programs.    

Rubric Roundtable for Faculty and Assessment Leaders

Tuesday May 14, 1:00pm to 2:30pm

In-person Mequon in the Friends of Concordia Room

Led by: Mequon Faculty Assessment Committee

Register here:

Want to improve a rubric you use for a class assignment, paper, or presentation? Join the CUW Assessment Committee for tips and tricks to improve your rubric for course or program evaluation purposes. The Committee will first host a short presentation, followed by breakout sessions where you can receive feedback & ideas on a rubric you bring with you to the session.  Contact Kemery Sigmund with questions about the content.

Workshop: Refresh Your Spring Course

Wednesday May 15, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

In person Mequon PH 205 – Pharmacy Conference Room

Facilitators: Kate Robertson and Elizabeth Evans

Register here:

Whew! Your grades are in and you’ve finished the whirlwind of the semester. This is the perfect time to review and reflect on one of your courses and plan improvements for next time.  Bring your reflections captured throughout the course, your syllabus and any course materials, teaching strategies and assignments to this session. This workshop fits any course delivery, including online.

Outcomes: In this session, you will develop at least three actionable changes to improve the student learning experience next time.  Use the plan as an example of your continuous improvement for your upcoming annual faculty evaluation in June.

Faculty Writing Support Initiative Conversation

Wednesday, May 15, 12:30 to 1:30pm

With Jordan Beck

In-person Mequon CELT office Rinker 213

Register here

The current strategic plan includes a goal to create a Faculty Writing Support initiative. Please come to this session to talk about your needs for support, your ideas, and what you would like to see included in this initiative.

Coffee and Collaboration with CELT

Thursday May 16, 9:30 am – 11:00 am

In-person Mequon CELT office  Rinker 213, stay awhile or the whole time

Walk in or register here:

Whether you are teaching this summer, or have something on your mind from a spring course, please stop in for some coffee and collaboration time with the CELT staff.  Some particular areas of focus will be setting up grade centers, linking textbook resources to your Blackboard course, learning how (and why) to set up group assignments, and creating course announcements that lead to student learning and engagement. We are looking forward to assisting you with all things course design!

Workshop: How to Make your Documents Ally Friendly (via Zoom)

Thursday May 16, 12:00pm  – 1 pm Central/1:00pm to 2:00pm Eastern

Facilitators: Taylor Richards and Mary Buenz

Registration is required for this event.

Register here:–hpz8jGtc_fCZ1ahkPx-hlxU4Z9LrW

Ally is an application that allows for documents to be accessed on Blackboard by multiple devices in multiple formats, such as translated HTML, mp3 for audio, electronic Braille, e-pub for e-readers, formats for screen readers and more. In order for Ally to work effectively for students, documents must be designed using specific strategies.  Join this session to learn how to create a document with a high Ally score.  Workshop time is included – have a document on hand that you’d like to improve.

Assignment Design for AI Workshop

Thursday, May 16, 2024  1:30 to 3:00pm

In-person Mequon PH 039

Facilitators: Bob Bruss and Faculty AI Task Force

Register here:

This workshop is hosted by the Faculty AI Task Force and the CELT. Come do collaborative work to update your assignment prompts. Bring a prompt you want to make more AI resistant, or bring a prompt to invite the appropriate student use of an AI tool.