Ally Information Session – 20220520-1

Ally is a tool in Blackboard to help instructors make their content more accessible. Your class is full of diverse students with unique learning abilities, needs and devices. Course content created with this in mind can benefit not only your students with disclosed disabilities such as visual impairments and dyslexia, but improve the learning experience for all of your students.

During this information session, we showed the Ally accessibility indicators, explained Ally instructor feedback report including the built-in instructions to improve the content accessibility.


Here are the resources for this workshop that was held on Friday May 20, 12:30 – 1:00 pm Central/1:30 – 2:00 pm Eastern time on Zoom.


Other resources

Ally Info Session Handouts

Learn to Use Panopto

This session for faculty focused on using Panopto for recording content on a laptop. Participants learnt how to record and share a Panopto recording, do basic video editing, share a video link, and add Panopto to Blackboard courses. Also covered was how to upload a Zoom recording to Panopto and set up a Blackboard Assignment (drop box) for students to submit their Panopto video assignment.

Here are the resources for this workshop that was held on Thursday May 19, Noon – 1:00 pm Central/1:00 – 2:00 pm Eastern time on Zoom.


Other Panopto resources

Improve Your Spring Course Workshop

Whew! Congrats! You finished the whirlwind known as the end of the semester. This is the perfect time to review one of your courses and plan improvements for next time.  Bring your “student results” (your outputs) and your syllabus and your course “inputs” to this session.  What does your course look like from the student’s POV? How did the course results align with your hopes/ goals?  How did your organization, delivery of content, communication, evaluation strategies and instructional strategies make for effective learning? After review of a course, participants will identify changes to make for next time.  You can use the plan developed here as an example of your continuous improvement in your upcoming annual faculty evaluation in June. Discussion and workshop time are included. This workshop fits any course delivery, including online.

Here are the resources for this workshop that was held on Wednesday May 18, 9:00 – 11:00 am Central/10:00 – Noon Eastern on Zoom.


Improve Your Spring Course Presentation

Improve your Spring course Handout


Revised-blooms-chart and questioning strategies

Zoom Security

As users of our institutional Zoom account for “Meetings,” there are many approaches we can use to prevent unwanted intrusions or “Zoom bombings” from happening in our virtual classes and events. We want Concordia meetings and classes to be safe and welcoming for everyone.

Here are a few safeguards we recommend using with Zoom Meetings:

When you are a participant

  • Be sure to sign into your Concordia (CUWAA) Zoom account. Anyone with a CUWAA e-mail can connect through our account. After you have downloaded a Zoom client, follow these instructions to sign into your CUWAA Zoom account: Sign into CUWAA Zoom Account Instructions
  • Do not share the links to any Meeting with those outside our community.

When you are a planner or host for an event

  • Do not post your link on social media, a website, or any public spaces\
  • Keep your Zoom app on your computer updated to the most recent software (click on your name icon, then “check for updates.”
  • Require your CUWAA participants to connect their device to their CUWAA account and automatically bypass the waiting room:
    Sign into CUWAA Zoom Account Instructions
  • For an added layer of security, edit the meeting settings to automatically generate a unique meeting id (do not use your personal meeting id or PMI) and  set a passcode for the meeting so only users with the invite link or passcode can join.
  • For persons outside the university, when they join they will be admitted to the waiting room. Take caution when admitting people from the waiting room.
    • Closely check the names of the people you allow in from the waiting room. All verified CUWAA accounts bypass the waiting room, including students if they are using their CUWAA account.
    • If you have a few non-CU persons you are inviting, find out the name used by their device so you can identify them before you admit them from the waiting room.
    • If you wish to invite a number of persons that do not have CUWAA e-mails, consider using the Zoom registration process so you have information on participants prior to their arrival in the waiting room.  Set up or edit your non-recurring meeting at with “registration” required (check the box). This means you will collect information from everyone seeking the link.  Instructions for using the registration process
    • If you have a significant number of persons outside CUWAA, inquire about using the CU Webinar License forpublic Zoom Webinars have more built in security features as attendees cannot use audio.  Contact me, for more information.
  • When you are hosting Meetings, use your account setting options at to minimize potential intrusion from someone set on disturbing your meeting, and use the in-meeting Security features once the Meeting is underway.
    • In the settings area, enable “mute all participants when they join a meeting” so that they will need to request the ability to talk which will also share their video. In Meeting Security Options
    • Under in-meeting basic settings, enable screen sharing, but identify “host only” and then you can grant “share screen” rights to individuals in your meeting when it’s appropriate.
    • Use the Security icon in your Meeting controls bar to remove anyone who is causing trouble.  Use the option “Suspend Participant Activities” to turn off all participants video, audio, ability to share screens, and locks the Meeting.
    • During the Meeting, ask a co-host to watch for intrusions and be prepared to eliminate anyone disrupting the Meeting and report that user to Zoom.
    • In-meeting security features are explained here In Meeting Security Options

If you need help with accessing or using Zoom, call the HELP Desk at Mequon at 262-243-4357 or (866) 849-4272 or e-mail

Instructions for 2021-2022 Academic Program Assessment Reporting

This year the program Assessment Report will be very similar to last year’s report, in two parts, both available as online submissions.

A representative of every undergraduate major, stand-alone certificate and graduate or professional program for each campus should be able to complete Part 1 by  June 30, 2022 and Part 2 as soon thereafter as you have completed your assessment work for 2021-2022, hopefully no later than November 1, 2022. The last date for any submissions for 2021-2022 work is December 31, 2022.

Any data you submit should relate to student performance in academic year 2021-2022.  Data must be reported separately for each campus (Mequon and Ann Arbor), so if your program has students at both campuses, submit two separate Part 2 reports.

Further guidance for Part 1 and Part 2 is provided below.

Information on Part 1

Everyone should be able to complete Part 1.  If you are a new program and don’t yet have students, please submit only Part 1. If your assessment activities and data collection tools are identical across both campuses, complete one Part 1, and mark both campuses in the “which campus reporting for” drop-down question.

Part 1 includes a request to upload your current curriculum map.  The map should include all you Program Learning Outcomes, the alignment of the PLOs to the GLOs, including an explicitly stated connection of one PLO to GLO #1 Christian Faith. The map lists all required courses and shows where learning is introduced, developed and then assessed at the exit point. You can also include where learning in each PLO is assessed at the entry point (this is optional).

Here is the example curriculum map

Information on Part 2

Use this link to report your work and data from this past year connected to GLO #2

2021-2022: GLO #2 Data Collection, Conclusions, Improvements, Impact

For Part 2, you should be able to submit your work on at least one of your PLOs related to a past focus GLO,  if you don’t have anything yet to report on GLO #2.  If you have data on multiple GLOs, please complete reports for GLO #2 Service and Global Citizenship and GLO#1 Christian Faith.

During or after the data collection process, put your data in the five-point University Common Scale.

Significantly Below Expectations (1) Below Expectations (2) Meets Expectations (3) Exceeds Expectations (4) Significantly Exceeds Expectations (5)

If you haven’t collected, evaluated and made improvement plans for your PLO aligned with GLO #2 yet (keep working on it), you could share your work on GLO#1, GLO #4 or GLO#5 at these links.  Be sure any data you submit relates to student performance in academic year 2021-2022.

Word Walk-through of Part 1 Narrative is here: Part-1-Assessment-Report- Narrative-2021-2022-Overview-and-Walkthrough

Word Walk-through of Part 2 on GLO#2 is here: Part 2-Assessment Report 21-22 GLO2 Overview and Walkthrough

Word Walk-through of Part 2 on GLO#1 is here: Part-2-Assessment-Report-2021-2022-GLO1-Overview-and-Walkthrough

Word Walk-through of Part 2 on GLO#4 is here: Part 2- Assessment Report 2021-2022 GLO4 Walkthrough

If you have questions or problems with the forms, please contact Elizabeth Evans at or 262 243 4283.

2022-2023 Concordia Intramural Teaching Grant (CITG)

The Concordia Intramural Teaching Grant (CITG) is available to full-time faculty of Concordia University teaching a course in Academic Year 2022-2023 incorporating a planned innovation intended to improves student learning.

Of special interest this year, projects that involve the following will be prioritized

  1. Identifying, implementing and evaluating a pedagogical/instructional model that facilitates mixing of traditional and post-traditional students in the same course section
  2. Developing a writing attentive course in connection with Writing Across the Curriculum

The grant can be applied to a project involving team teaching a course for the amount of the additional faculty pay at the adjunct rate.

Faculty are encouraged to consider developing a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) project connected to the innovation implemented.

What to Submit: Please review the application instructions and policies document and develop your grant proposal in a word document. Please also complete and sign PART 2 application cover and signature page electronically. Then submit the application and the signed cover sheet by June 30, 2022 to

Please contact or with your questions.

CITG Part 1 of 2: 2022-2023 Application Instructions & Policies
CITG Part 2 of 2: Electronic Application Cover and Signature Page