CELT Programs at CUAA – Fall 2019

TEACHING, LEARNING and EVALUATION through the Global Learning Outcomes (GLOs) with Elizabeth Evans and Tammy Ferry

Thursday September 12, 4:00pm to 5:15pm Eastern in Krieger 106
This program is for all faculty and instructional staff.

Come, share with your colleagues. This event recaps efforts made last year on GLO #5 Communicative Fluency and addresses the upcoming focus on GLO #1 Christian Faith for 2019-2020.

What is your role in teaching and evaluation of the GLOs? All faculty and instructional staff are welcome. Departmental assessment coordinators and Assessment Committee members are strongly urged to attend.

Topics: Terminology, four areas of Communication identified and evaluated, four possible areas of GLO #1 to consider and embed in curriculum this year, connecting your lessons to rubrics, how the NETVUE Grant could dovetail with your program and departmental work on any GLO.

Coffee, water and snacks will be provided.

Please contact Elizabeth Evans with any questions at Elizabeth.evans@cuw.edu or 262 243 4283.

Faculty Learning Community: Surface, Strategic, and Deep Learning with Marilyn Meell and Robert Hill

Monday, September 23, 3:15 – 4:30 in SCI 101
Thursday, October 10, 3:30 – 4:45 in Krieger 107
Monday, November 18, 3:15 – 4:30 in SCI 101

We will read and discuss several pedagogical articles on surface, strategic, and deep learning. Our primary goal is to learn how we can help motivate and move students from surface to deep learning. A secondary goal of this group is to consider the increasing diversity of our student population and begin a conversation on culturally responsive teaching. Readings will be determined and shared via email. Food and beverages provided.

Let’s Talk About GLO #1 Christian Faith and Ethics with Kevin Voss, Philosophy Department

Tuesday October 1, 3:00 – 4:00 pm Central / 4:00 – 5:00 pm Eastern
Location: LU006 Media Viewing Room on the Mequon Campus and Zoom to SCI 102 on the Ann Arbor Campus, or use Zoom on your own computer.

The study of Ethics offers a natural place to introduce important elements of the Christian faith. Simple tips will be provided on how instructors and program directors can apply basic Christian teaching to problems and moral dilemmas in a helpful, nonthreatening manner.

Library Brown Bag “New Library Tools and Resources for Faculty Research” with Elizabeth Hartig

Two sessions to choose from (same content):
Wednesday October 16, Noon – 1:00 pm in Zimmerman multi-purpose room.
Wednesday October 16, 3:15 – 4:15 pm in Zimmerman multi-purpose room.

Elizabeth will showcase valuable research tools and resources, including BrowZine. What is BrowZine? It is a mobile app for tablets and smart phones, as well as for desktops and laptops, that allows you to access and browse e-journals from different publishers in one simple interface. With BrowZine, you can read scholarly journals in a format that is optimized for tablets; create a personal bookshelf of favorite journals; be alerted when new issues of a journal are available; and bookmark articles for reading later.

Zoom into Research! With Angela Walmsley

Monday October 21, 3:15 – 4:15 pm Eastern via Zoom

Join Dr. Angela Walmsley, CUWAA’s research methodologist, via Zoom from your own office on Monday October 21, 3:15 – 4:15 (Eastern) to learn about how to start a research project! Dr. Walmsley will discuss her role as research methodologist serving Concordia faculty in addition to some basics around starting a research project. Topics include types of research, developing a research question, deciding on a sample, IRB, collecting data, and analyzing data.

Let’s Talk About GLO #1 Christianity and Worldviews: Models of Engagement with Angus Menuge, Philosophy Department

Tuesday October 22, 3:00 – 4:00 pm Central / 4:00 – 5:00 pm Eastern
Location: LU006 Media Viewing Room on the Mequon Campus and Zoom to SCI 102 on the Ann Arbor Campus, or use Zoom on your own computer.

During this session, Dr. Menuge plans to explain what worldviews are; present some of the different models Christians use for engaging non-Christian worldviews; identify and defend the model(s) of engagement that are most biblical; review some examples, e.g. scientism and postmodernism.