Supporting Student Mental Health During COVID-19

Link to recording of Concordia session April 14, 2020 with Anne Spahr (Counseling) and Elizabeth Polzin (Student Success) Link to Power Point slides.

In this time of uncertainty and constant COVID-19 health concerns on the rise, students may be experiencing feelings of anxiety and stress. In addition to our world pandemic, students have also made the sudden shift to virtual and online learning causing abrupt change in schedules, learn­ing environments, and support systems. These changes are stressful. In this recording, the presenters talk about some of what  students are facing now, and how you as a faculty mem­ber, can support your students.

Resources for Supporting Student Mental Health

If a student needs immediate support

On the Mequon Campus, refer a student to the Good Samaritan Team

On the Ann Arbor Campus, refer a student to the Behavioral Intervention Team

Online Resources of Interest

Stress and Coping During COVID-19: Centers for Disease Control (CDC):

Coping with Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration:

Living with Worry and Anxiety Amidst Global Uncertainty: Psychology Tools

Creating a Culture of Caring from Association of College and University Educators (ACUE)

Hope Matters by Mays Imad,  Inside Higher Education, March 17, 2020

Trauma Informed Pedagogy with Dr. Mays Imad, Pima Community College, March 26, 2020

This webinar examined the impact of traumatic experiences on students’ learning and strategies that can be used to mitigate this impact and improve educational outcomes. View the recording here and the slides here.

Authentic Teaching and Connected Learning in the Age of COVID-19 by Harriet L Schwartz

Article Collection: Coping with Coronavirus: How Faculty Members Can Support Students in Traumatic Times. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Request free access at

Publisher or Predator? Evaluating and Choosing Academic Journals for Scholarship

Publisher or Predator? Evaluating and Choosing Academic Journals for Scholarship
with Elaine Gustafson, Library

Thursday April 2, 12:10 – 1:00pm

Are you ready to publish your research and looking for some guidance on journals? Join Elaine Gustafson, the Instruction, Reference and Research Support Librarian for tools and tips to increase your chances of article acceptance by identifying the best journals to submit your work. She will also share tips for avoiding predatory journals and understanding open access publishers.

Presentation slides: Library Resources for Faculty Scholarship Elaine Gustafson April 2, 2020

Christian Faith: Meditation on God’s Word with Jason Soenksen

Christian Faith: Meditation on God’s Word with Jason Soenksen

Wednesday April 15, 12:10-1:00pm

This series, related to our Christian Faith Global Learning Outcome, is for faculty and instructional staff.

In modern American society, meditation denotes a spirituality that looks within ourselves. In contrast, the ancient Christian practice of meditation is focused on the Word of God, which comes from outside of us. The Spirit of God works through the words of Scripture to reveal Christ and His work, the central Word of Scripture. In this presentation, Jason Soenksen will leads us in a discussion of the Christian practice of meditation on Scripture. Please join us as we consider how God speaks to us in His Word and the transformative power of meditating on His message.

Session Recording:

Zooming Along: Best Practices for Teaching Via Zoom

Zooming Along: Best Practices for Teaching via Zoom with Kate Robertson and Susan Gallanis

Dates (All sessions address the same content):

  • Tuesday April 7, 3:00 – 4:00 pm Central Time
  • Wednesday April 8, 3:00 – 4:00 pm Central Time
  • Thursday April 9, 10:00 – 11:00 am Central Time

This program focuses on three key areas: the importance of frontloading and intentionality in the Zoom teaching world; engagement and attendance strategies; and the importance of “hitting pause” throughout the class session to give students time to consider what they are learning. We will demonstrate how some of the Zoom tools can be used to address learning goals and incorporate your questions as well.

PowerPoint: Zooming along final

Sample Order for the Day: Order of the day on Zoom

Archived Recording:

The Virus Behind COVID-19 – April 9, 2020

The Virus Behind COVID-19 with Justin Speck, CUW Science Faculty, Microbiologist

Thursday April 9, 12:10pm Central to 1:00pm Central via Zoom

This session will include an introduction to basic virology, a history of coronavirus infections, and describe the epidemiology behind this outbreak. Also included are the physiological effects of COVID-19 on the respiratory system, and basic methods for infection prevention.

PowerPoint: Justin Speck COVID-19 PPT April 9, 2020

Archive Recording:

CELT Programs at CUAA – Spring 2020

Faculty Book Club Hitting Pause: 65 Lecture Breaks to Refresh and Reinforce Learning

3 Thursdays from 4:00 – 5:00 pm in Krieger 107:  February 27, April 2, April 30

Facilitated by Robert Hill

Deadline to register: Monday, February 17.

Book description: Starting with brain science research on attention span and cognitive load, Dr. Rice bases her book on two fundamental principles: shorter segments of instruction are better than longer ones, and learners who actively participate in instruction learn better than those who don’t. Pauses constitute a simple technique for enlivening and enhancing the effectiveness of lectures, or indeed of any form of instruction, whether a presentation or in an experiential setting. This book presents the evidence and rationale for breaking up lectures into shorter segments by using pauses to focus attention, reinforce key points, and review learning. It also provides 65 adaptable pause ideas to use at the opening of class, mid-way through, or as closers. Book is included.

Advising Best Practices

Tuesday February 18, 3:45 – 5:00 in Krieger 107

Led by Meghan Hernandez and Kate Robbins

Do you advise undergraduate students at CUAA? If so, this CELT session is for you. We will dive into advising best practices, considering how we can best support and challenge our Concordia students. We will spend time focused on CUAA’s curriculum and ensuring all advisors are up to date on understanding the new core. This will be a great session to feel supported and encouraged as an advisor. We hope to see you there!

How to Create a Culturally Inclusive Classroom

Monday March 2, 3:45 – 5:00pm in Krieger 107
Led by Erin Laverick

Every student should feel at home at Concordia and see their identities reflected in their learning. Picking up where our recent campus conversation on race and diversity left off, this session presents and discusses strategies for creating a culturally inclusive classroom.

Taking the Pulse of Teaching During a Pandemic

Wednesday May 20, 9:00 – 10:30 am Central Time/10:00 – 11:30 am Eastern Time via Zoom

This semester has been like no other in our teaching experiences. Join with colleagues to reflect on the second half of the past semester and look ahead to more opportunities to challenge and support students in new ways. Faculty leaders will engage participants in important questions about meeting students where they are, using active learning strategies to engage them, and charting a new course to continue to foster effective learning with our students. Facilitators include Erin Laverick and Mikaely Schmitz.

If you have any questions about this program, please email Elizabeth Evans at

Vocation: Finding Meaning and Inspiring Students [NetVUE Grant]

With Rachel Pickett, Elizabeth Evans and Elizabeth Peckham
Thursday May 21, 9:00 – 10:30 am Central Time/10:00 – 11:30 am Eastern Time via Zoom

Exploring vocation enriches students’ higher education experiences and supports our university mission to develop the whole person. This session will include information and resources about vocation and developing related tools to use with students. Ideas on how to address Lutheran vocation to facilitate faith and learning in the classroom will also be discussed. This is an introduction to the NetVUE Grant program which offers a $250 stipend for faculty and staff who participate, develop a lesson for students, and share the evaluation of student learning connected to that lesson.

If you have any questions about this program, please email Elizabeth Evans at

CELT Programs at CUAA – January 2020

CUAA Scholarship Boot Camp – Winter 2020

Tuesday January 14, 9:00am – 4:00pm in SCI 101

Come for a quiet place to work on your faculty scholarship projects, including your advanced study courses and dissertations. Sign up for the hours you plan to attend. The goal of this time is to produce tangible work. We provide the space and you supply the focus and attention to projects. Come as you are; arrive and leave as you need to. Writing/editing support, research design support and statistical planning and analysis support will be available.

Let us know in the registration link the hours you plan to attend. Indicate any writing, research and statistical support you are seeking. Let us know in the registration if you want lunch between 12:00pm and 1:00pm.

The deadline to request lunch is Tuesday January 7 at Noon. The last day to register if you don’t want lunch is Monday January 13 at Noon.

CELT Programs at CUAA – Fall 2019

TEACHING, LEARNING and EVALUATION through the Global Learning Outcomes (GLOs) with Elizabeth Evans and Tammy Ferry

Thursday September 12, 4:00pm to 5:15pm Eastern in Krieger 106
This program is for all faculty and instructional staff.

Come, share with your colleagues. This event recaps efforts made last year on GLO #5 Communicative Fluency and addresses the upcoming focus on GLO #1 Christian Faith for 2019-2020.

What is your role in teaching and evaluation of the GLOs? All faculty and instructional staff are welcome. Departmental assessment coordinators and Assessment Committee members are strongly urged to attend.

Topics: Terminology, four areas of Communication identified and evaluated, four possible areas of GLO #1 to consider and embed in curriculum this year, connecting your lessons to rubrics, how the NETVUE Grant could dovetail with your program and departmental work on any GLO.

Coffee, water and snacks will be provided.

Please contact Elizabeth Evans with any questions at or 262 243 4283.

Faculty Learning Community: Surface, Strategic, and Deep Learning with Marilyn Meell and Robert Hill

Monday, September 23, 3:15 – 4:30 in SCI 101
Thursday, October 10, 3:30 – 4:45 in Krieger 107
Monday, November 18, 3:15 – 4:30 in SCI 101

We will read and discuss several pedagogical articles on surface, strategic, and deep learning. Our primary goal is to learn how we can help motivate and move students from surface to deep learning. A secondary goal of this group is to consider the increasing diversity of our student population and begin a conversation on culturally responsive teaching. Readings will be determined and shared via email. Food and beverages provided.

Let’s Talk About GLO #1 Christian Faith and Ethics with Kevin Voss, Philosophy Department

Tuesday October 1, 3:00 – 4:00 pm Central / 4:00 – 5:00 pm Eastern
Location: LU006 Media Viewing Room on the Mequon Campus and Zoom to SCI 102 on the Ann Arbor Campus, or use Zoom on your own computer.

The study of Ethics offers a natural place to introduce important elements of the Christian faith. Simple tips will be provided on how instructors and program directors can apply basic Christian teaching to problems and moral dilemmas in a helpful, nonthreatening manner.

Library Brown Bag “New Library Tools and Resources for Faculty Research” with Elizabeth Hartig

Two sessions to choose from (same content):
Wednesday October 16, Noon – 1:00 pm in Zimmerman multi-purpose room.
Wednesday October 16, 3:15 – 4:15 pm in Zimmerman multi-purpose room.

Elizabeth will showcase valuable research tools and resources, including BrowZine. What is BrowZine? It is a mobile app for tablets and smart phones, as well as for desktops and laptops, that allows you to access and browse e-journals from different publishers in one simple interface. With BrowZine, you can read scholarly journals in a format that is optimized for tablets; create a personal bookshelf of favorite journals; be alerted when new issues of a journal are available; and bookmark articles for reading later.

Zoom into Research! With Angela Walmsley

Monday October 21, 3:15 – 4:15 pm Eastern via Zoom

Join Dr. Angela Walmsley, CUWAA’s research methodologist, via Zoom from your own office on Monday October 21, 3:15 – 4:15 (Eastern) to learn about how to start a research project! Dr. Walmsley will discuss her role as research methodologist serving Concordia faculty in addition to some basics around starting a research project. Topics include types of research, developing a research question, deciding on a sample, IRB, collecting data, and analyzing data.

Let’s Talk About GLO #1 Christianity and Worldviews: Models of Engagement with Angus Menuge, Philosophy Department

Tuesday October 22, 3:00 – 4:00 pm Central / 4:00 – 5:00 pm Eastern
Location: LU006 Media Viewing Room on the Mequon Campus and Zoom to SCI 102 on the Ann Arbor Campus, or use Zoom on your own computer.

During this session, Dr. Menuge plans to explain what worldviews are; present some of the different models Christians use for engaging non-Christian worldviews; identify and defend the model(s) of engagement that are most biblical; review some examples, e.g. scientism and postmodernism.