Course Design and Pedagogy Sessions – Summer 2020

Link to a previously recorded session (July 13, 2020)

Session PPT (updated June 29, 2020): Course Design and Pedagogy PPT June 29

Class Schedule Template (downloadable and editable)

Uncommon Return Student Return to Campus Plan

Theodore Hopkins (CUAA) article about wearing face masks

Student Laptop Computer Requirements 2020 – 2021

Blackboard for Effective Course Delivery – Fall 2020 and Beyond

June 17, 2020 Session Recording

Resources related to this session offered multiple times over the Summer, 2020.

Detailed tutorial: Blackboard for Effective Course Delivery Fall 2020 and Beyond 

PowerPoint: Blackboard for Effective Course Delivery Fall 2020 and Beyond

Class Schedule Template (downloadable and editable)

Course Quality Checklist: Course Quality Checklist 06 12 2020

Four foundational videos for setting up your Blackboard course: (link to videos)

Link to demo video of the new inline grading tool, Bb Annotate: (Bb Annotatate demo)

Add a Web link to your Blackboard course (i.e., for Zoom session link): (link to video)

How to use the Date Management Tool: (link to video)

Integrating Reflection into a Flipped Classroom

The flipped classroom is a busy, collaborative, and social place. We could say it’s a place where extroversion, collaboration, and teamwork are highly valued. But what does this mean for students who don’t excel in this collaborative space? What does it mean if we’re always focused on the doing?

Read this article by Barbi Honeycutt and Sarah Egan Warren from February 17, 2014.

This article is one of many from You can subscribe to their free newsletter!

Flipped Classroom

Here’s some resources for flipping your classroom.

A couple of videos that introduce the idea:

Introductory video 1

Introductory video 2

One thing neither video mentions is that you want to develop an assessment of some sort they take before they come to class so you know they did the work prior to coming to class. Dr. Bernard Bull calls that the “entrance ticket” to the face to face part of the class.:

Here is a link to the video presentation that Dr. Bull did at CUW on the Flipped Classroom:

Flipped Classroom video

Here’s a Summon library search with related matches. Faculty would need to be on campus or have their library ID available for authentication if off campus.   This link will update with additional resources.

Here’s an article about using the Flipped Classroom specific to continuing nursing education.