Syllabus Issues, Alignment with Catalog, and Updates to Banner Course Information Forms

Friday October 20, Noon – 1:00 pm Central/1:00 – 2:00 pm Eastern via Zoom 

With Elizabeth Evans and Allison Wolf 

The audience for this program is faculty, department chairs, program directors, academic support staff, and deans. 

The Academic Office has seen an increase in syllabi submissions that contain information misaligned with Banner Course Information (BCI) data. BCI data is used by the Registrar’s office to create the catalog and scribe Degree Works program audits. Syllabi provided to students should match the catalog information for the year in which a course is offered.  

This session will focus on our need to provide students with syllabi that match the current catalog year, the submission of syllabi to the Academic Office by Department Chairs and Program Directors, and what to do when changes to a syllabus, and its BCI data, are needed. Other areas that need attention for improvement of syllabi will also be covered in brief, and an explanation and demonstration of the updated BCI mach form will be provided. 

Resources from this program are attached below:



New and Returning Faculty Development Day: Designing/Refreshing Your Course and Syllabus

Concordia University
Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching


Designing/Refreshing Your Course and Syllabus

Wednesday, August 16, 2023, 8:15 – 9:45 am Central/9:15 – 10:45 am Eastern 

With Elizabeth Evans and Kate Robertson

Learn about and incorporate best practices in course design, and syllabus development. Discussion includes how to improve your objectives, align course objectives with assessments, the Concordia University syllabus template’s latest revision, and how to connect to the program and Global Learning Outcomes.  


Click Here for a recording of this event

If you would like to view the handouts from this event please locate it Here

Practices & Processes: Syllabus Submission to Provost and Banner Course Information Form

New in October 2021: Banner Course Information MACH Form:

Departments use this form to notify the Registrar’s Office of changes to course-level information. Changes are normally a result of updates to program requirements, or adding elective course options. When course changes impact overall program requirements and require APST, complete the APST process first. Once Academic Council has approved program changes, then complete the BCI form and attach the program change approval from the Provost’s Office. NOTE: Information submitted on the BCI form, including course descriptions, should be the same information used when submitting your syllabi for approval to the Provost’s Office.

New in October 2021: Syllabus Submission to Provost MACH Form:

Departments use this form to submit up to seven (7) new or revised official course syllabi of the same course subject (i.e. EDG, COMM, PHAR) that have been approved by the Department Chair/Program Director.  Within the MACH form, the syllabi go to the appropriate Dean or Dean designate for approval before consideration by the Provost Office. Include the confirmation that the Banner Course Information Mach Form was submitted when submitting a syllabus with those changes.
Include the emails of all persons who should receive the confirmation e-mail once the final version of the syllabus is approved by the Provost Office.

Here are the resources and recording for this session that was held on 10/8/2021:



Current Approved Syllabi On File 10-05-2021

Links to Resources:

Overall Information

Download and Complete Banner Information Spreadsheet

Report Course Changes on the Banner Course Information (BCI) MACH Form

Syllabus Template Instructions and Submission to Provost Instructions

Syllabus Submission to Provost MACH Form

Ally Toolkit

Additional resources to assist faculty in creating Blackboard course content that follows principles of Universal Design.

Word formatting basics (video)

Headings in Word (video)

Lists in Word (video)

This is an open resource that contains MANY resources for how you can make your content more accessible: OER_Accessibility_Checklist

Microsoft Word has a built in Accessibility Checker. Learn more about the MS Word Accessibility Checker.

This document is from a January 2020 Course Design for Student Success that incorporates many of the features addressed above, but in a printable format with screenshots: Course Design for Student Success – Ally 01202020 (2)

Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education (comprehensive website):

Link to session recording and PPT of a session regarding UDL and Ally held at Concordia University Wisconsin on June 4, 2020: link to materials

Designing Your Course and Syllabus

Below are resources related to this program presented by Elizabeth Evans and Kate Robertson on January 15, 2020.

1A- Jan 2020 Syllabus Workshop

1B-Instructional Script Jan 2020

1C- Syllabus Workshop Outline January 2020

5- Rev Global Learning Outcomes Diagram Nov 1, 2018

6-University Liberal Arts Outcomes and Proficiencies-4

7- PLOs to GLOs CurriculumMap-Example_MS-Leadership

8- Effective Instruction at CU Model Color 14 Feb 2018 E Evans

9- Rev Bloom’s Taxonomy Triangle (Color)

10- BloomsTaxonomyVerbs

11- Blooms Taxonomy Wheel Color

12- revised-blooms-chart and questioning strategies

18- Spring 2020 Dates

19- CU Faculty Handbook Policies on LMS

The information on the syllabus template, instructions, writing a good course description, the credit hour, behavioral language, and connecting to the Global Learning Outcomes is here

For samples of well-written syllabi, please contact Elizabeth Evans at

Occasional Use of Zoom for Instructional Hours

Information you may want to include in your syllabus if using Zoom for occasional use for instructional hours:

Advance Notice: Contact the instructor at least one week in advance of the particular session to request approval to participate remotely through Zoom.

Attendance: If the student is able to fully participate and interact with students and the instructor,  the instructor may mark the student in “attendance.” However, if the instructor records any class sessions and make them available to students, watching a video of a session does not constitute “attendance” as defined by the university.

Recording of Class Sessions: Students should be aware that the instructor may determine a need to record a class session using videoconference software. The instructor will announce verbally that a recording is being made at the beginning of any recording.


Videoconferencing allows accessibility for all students as a universal design and might be used in the Concordia “classroom” to address individuals with documented need for accommodations. As with all accommodations, the Director of Accessibility

Services will set this up with the instructor and the student. Zoom enables FERP A/HIP AA compliance and provides end-to-end 256-bit encryption. Accessibility for Zoom is maintained by Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (, not Concordia University. Specific information about accessibility is provided by Zoom within the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) Statement, available here: Zoom and Accessibility.

CUAA Syllabus Construction Workshop (August 8, 2018)

This Fall Georgia Kreiger led this session. Below are related handouts.

Course Design and Syllabus Construction Workshop Outline Link to Document

PowerPoint Slides  Link to Document

Board Global Ends Policy Diagram + University Liberal Arts Outcomes and Proficiencies (ULOAs)

Draft of Possible Evaluation of Instruction at CU Model  Link to Document

Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy  Link to Document

Bloom’s Taxonomy Verbs  Link to Document

Bloom’s Taxonomy Wheel

Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Process Verbs, Assessments, and Questioning Strategies

Elements of the Concordia Syllabus Link to Document

Syllabus Template, Instructions and Credit Hour Policy

Sample Syllabus Language for Behavioral Expectations  Link to Document

Fall 2018 Semester Schedule  Link to Document

Faculty Handbook Policies about LMS  Link to Document

CUW Syllabus Construction Workshop (August 15, 2018)

This Fall Elizabeth Evans and Kate Robertson led this session. Below are related handouts.

Course Design and Syllabus Construction Workshop Outline:  Link to Document

PowerPoint Slides:  Link to Document

Board Global Ends Policy Diagram: Link to Document

University Global Learning Outcomes: Link to Document

University Liberal Arts Outcomes and Proficiencies (ULOAs):

Draft of Possible Evaluation of Instruction at CU Model:  Link to Document

Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy:  Link to Document

Bloom’s Taxonomy Verbs:  Link to Document

Bloom’s Taxonomy Wheel:

Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Process Verbs, Assessments, and Questioning Strategies:

Elements of the Concordia Syllabus: Link to Document

Syllabus Template, Instructions and Credit Hour Policy:

Sample Syllabus Language for Behavioral Expectations: Link to Document

Fall 2018 Semester Schedule: Link to Document

Faculty Handbook Policies about LMS: Link to Document