Improve Your Spring Course Workshop
Wednesday May 17, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm Central/12:30 – 2:00 pm Eastern on Zoom
Facilitators: Kate Robertson and Elizabeth Evans
Whew! Your grades are in and you’ve finished the whirlwind of the semester. This is the perfect time to review and reflect on one of your courses and plan improvements for next time. Bring your reflections captured throughout the course, your “student results,” your syllabus and your course materials, teaching strategies and assignments to this session.
What does your course look like from the student’s POV? How did the course results align with your hopes/ goals?
How did your organization, delivery of content, communication, evaluation strategies and instructional strategies make for effective learning?
After review of your course, you will develop at least three actionable changes to improve the student learning experience next time. You can use the plan as an example of your continuous improvement for your upcoming annual faculty evaluation in June. Discussion and workshop time are included. This workshop fits any course delivery, including online.
Improve your Spring PPT
Revised-blooms-chart and questioning strategies