Instructor Self-Assessment: Tools and Techniques

“A good teacher teaches and learns” (Chan, 2010). Evaluating your own teaching is an excellent way to identify strong aspects of your work and areas of improvement.

Here are some resources to get you started.

This link from the University of Hong Kong describes different self-evaluation methods and includes additional online resources.

This link from the University of Texas at Austin offers a step-by-step guide for developing your self-assessment plan.



Chan C.(2010) Assessment: Evaluating your own Teaching, Assessment Resources@HKU, University of Hong Kong []: Accessed March 31, 2014 from

Self-Regulated Learners

Maryellen Weimer writes about what it means to be a self-regulated learner in this article from Faculty Focus.

Dr. Weimer references Barry Zimmerman as one of the foremost researchers of self-regulated learning. His article can be found using this link:  Note: You must be logged into the cuw portal or summon to access this article.

One more related article from Robert Leamnson can be found here.