Critical Conversations in Curriculum: Truth, Beauty, Goodness and Unity – Tuesday March 27

Meeting date changed from March 20 to March 27.

Between February and July, Bernard Bull is hosting a monthly conversation for faculty and staff to discuss substantive issues of curriculum.  During this second critical conversation in curriculum, we will use President Ferry’s inaugural speech as a launch pad to discuss the role of truth, beauty, goodness, and unity throughout the University. How do these connect to our mission of helping students develop in mind, body, and spirit? How do these apply across the curriculum? What does it look like to have a University-wide curriculum that is shaped and informed by celebrating and cultivating a value for truth, beauty, goodness, and unity?

Readings for this second session:

Mark your calendar for future Tuesdays: April 24, May 22, June 19 and July 24, all 3:00 to 4:30pm

Link to register for this and future sessions: