Christian Faith: Meditation on God’s Word with Jason Soenksen

Christian Faith: Meditation on God’s Word with Jason Soenksen

Wednesday April 15, 12:10-1:00pm

This series, related to our Christian Faith Global Learning Outcome, is for faculty and instructional staff.

In modern American society, meditation denotes a spirituality that looks within ourselves. In contrast, the ancient Christian practice of meditation is focused on the Word of God, which comes from outside of us. The Spirit of God works through the words of Scripture to reveal Christ and His work, the central Word of Scripture. In this presentation, Jason Soenksen will leads us in a discussion of the Christian practice of meditation on Scripture. Please join us as we consider how God speaks to us in His Word and the transformative power of meditating on His message.

Session Recording:

Christian Faith: On Prayer

Christian Faith: On Prayer with Dan Paavola  

Wednesday February 26, 12:10-1:00pm in the Lakeshore Room

Prayer expresses our relationship with God, strengthening our tie with Him as we trust and exercise His promises. In prayer we tell God our worries and ask for His answers. But we also celebrate His past and future care of us by giving Him thanks. In this lunch-and-learn presentation, Dan Paavola will lead us in a discussion on the gift of prayer. Please join us as we share how we pray and the wonderful answers God provides.

This series related to our Christian Faith Global Learning Outcome is for faculty and instructional staff.

Materials related to this program:



November 2019 Center Faculty Webinar

On November 4, 2019, Dan Paavola (Theology Faculty) discussed with Center Faculty, the three themes from his recent book “Grace, Faith, Scripture: Portrait of a Lutheran” (2019).

Link to video recording


About his book: Grace, faith, and Scripture. These three solas, or “alones”,  have long been used to characterize the unique theology of the Lutheran faith. The solas set up a relationship between God and us and between us and our neighbor.

Using stories and situations drawn from common relationships such as friendships and marriage, Daniel Paavola uses the three solas to deepen our understanding of Lutheran doctrine. The solas don’t encompass every single aspect of Lutheranism, but through them, we can get a picture of what it means to be a Lutheran.

Global Learning Outcome #1 Christian Faith – How Concordia Faculty Embed Christian Faith into Course Work

Global Learning Outcome #1: Christian Faith – Our graduates are grounded in the Christian faith while also recognizing other major worldviews and how they differ from a Christian understanding of the world.

See how Concordia Faculty embed Christian Faith in course work, organized in the following categories:

  1. Knowledge of Bible content: link to activities
  2. Bible knowledge/Christian Faith applied to contemporary, organizational, or professional situations or problems: link to activities
  3. Understanding how Christian Faith informs exploration of one’s vocation or applying Christian Faith to personal and vocational contexts: link to activities
  4. Recognition of other major worldviews and how they differ from a Christian understanding of the world: link to activities

More about the Global Learning Outcomes here: link

Faith, Learning and Scholarship Faculty Development Session 4/29/2019

Faith, Learning and Scholarship Faculty Development Session
Lunch and Learn at Mequon or via Zoom

Monday April 29, 12:10pm—1:00 pm in the Lakeshore Room or via Zoom
with Angela Walmsley, Elizabeth Evans and Jason Lane

Concordia, as a Christian Lutheran community, can be the leader in faith and learning scholarship. Join the over 40 full-time faculty who are already doing scholarship on faith. Get together with others interested in developing a teaching and learning scholarship project around faith, service, or vocation for 2019-2020. We will form a faculty learning community to support one another in our learning and accountability in completing our goals. Learn how the CITG grant can support this work with a $500 stipend. Free lunch for the first 20 faculty who register in advance to attend in person at Mequon. Get your lunch and bring it to the Lakeshore Room starting as early as 11:45. There is also an option to attend by Zoom.

Handouts for today’s session:

Here is another article of interest
Smith, D. Ed., Um, J., & Beversluis, C. . (2014). The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in A Christian Context. Christian Higher Education, 13(1), 74–87.
CUW Library Permalink,ip,cpid&custid=s3443150&db=eue&AN=93350915&site=ehost-live&scope=site

Contact the CELT for further information on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and Faith and Learning at x2358 or

Worldview of Worldviews: What the Christian Worldview Means for our Teaching and Learning at Concordia

Join us for this Faith, Learning and Vocation event on Wednesday September 28, 12:00-1:00 in the Lake Shore Room
Led by Jason Lane (Theology) and Susan Mobley (History)

Miss the session? Here is a link to the recorded session: link to recording

The University Liberal Arts Outcomes (ULAOs) include a learning outcome on worldview proficiency. This session introduces faculty to an understanding of how a Christian worldview informs teaching and learning and includes practical examples of how to integrate a Christian worldview in classroom discussions in multiple disciplines.

Core Curriculum Vision Statement

Jason Lane’s Handout

Susan Mobley’s Handout

Worldview Powerpoint