Updates and Reminders: Instructional Continuity Portlet

Below are updates and reminders related to resources posted on the Instructional Continuity portlet on the CUWAA portals (mycuw.edu, mycuaa.edu). Updates are divided by Blackboard and Zoom and are in date order, most recent on top.

Blackboard and Respondus

March, 2021

On April 20, 2021 all Blackboard courses in the terms 201710 (Fall of 2016) and older will be archived and then deleted from Blackboard (concordia.blackboard.com). Students will not be able to access those courses.

What to do now: Prior to April 20th, please copy anything you still need from those Blackboard courses to an external location.   This can be an external hard drive or an online cloud service.  What to backup would be any assignments or work done within a course you would like to save for future use.  This maintenance is part of our process of remaining within our Blackboard size limit.  If you have questions or problems related to courses that will be deleted on April 20th, please send an e-mail with that information to blackboardsupport@cuw.edu

November, 2020

New Content Editor in Blackboard: This will result in a few different and better ways you can upload content into Blackboard.  You will see this change whenever you are adding text in Blackboard, such as posting in a discussion board, writing an essay answer to a test, or for faculty, creating or editing an item or writing a test question.  This change will affect how faculty add content as well as student submissions.

Learn more

April 14, 2020

Respondus Help Center for Students

The Respondus Help Center is in addition to the technology assistance provided by the Concordia IT Help Desk.

Once Respondus LockDown Browser is installed on the computer, students have access to the Respondus Help Center that includes an option for live chat with Respondus Technology Support (available 24/7).

Before beginning a test, or after submitting a test using Respondus, the Help Center icon appears at the top of the Respondus Browser. Please see document below for details. Please share with students.

Respondus Help Center for Students

April 3, 2020

Time Zone Adjustments Needed in Blackboard

The Blackboard servers use the Central Time Zone. If an instructor is located in a different time zone, such as Ann Arbor (Eastern Time Zone) and needs to set a specific time that an assignment or test is due, opens, or closes, the instructor must take into account their time zone and adjust accordingly. Please see this document with examples that show how to make  the needed adjustments: Time Zone Adjustments Needed in Blackboard


March 3, 2021

Automated transcriptions available during Zoom sessions

With a recent Zoom update, Zoom hosts can now enable automated transcriptions for Zoom sessions. To do this:

  1. Click on the Live Transcript button Live Trancript
  2. Then click on Enable Auto-Transcription
    Auto transcription

November 17, 2020

Zoom cloud recordings retention and Zoom messages on deletions

When you record to the Zoom cloud, these are temporary recordings the system will delete. Last spring we thought we could only keep the temporary cloud recordings for 90 days. We did not max out the storage limit, so we expanded the retention period to 180 days.

Zoom emails you are now receiving should be about recordings from the Spring term, (April and May) 180 days ago. Let them expire, they were not designed to be permanent.

Recordings you want to use semester to semester should be recorded to your computer and then uploaded to Panopto. Watch this Recordings session for more information.

April 13, 2020

Zoom Product Updates: New Security Toolbar Icon for Hosts, Meeting ID No Longer Displayed

The next time Zoom is opened, faculty and staff will be prompted to update the Zoom app. Most faculty/staff will be able to complete the update without assistance. Contact the IT Help Desk if you are unable to complete the update.

After faculty/staff update Zoom on their computer, meeting hosts will see is an option in the Zoom meeting controls called Security. This new icon simplifies how hosts can quickly find and enable many of Zoom’s in-meeting security features.

Visible only to hosts and co-hosts of Zoom Meetings, the Security icon provides easy access to several existing Zoom security features so you can more easily protect your meetings.

By clicking the Security icon, hosts and co-hosts have an all-in-one place to quickly:

Various security settings in the Zoom client, while extremely useful, were also extremely scattered. The addition of this persistent Security icon helps augment some of the default Zoom security features in your profile settings and enables Zoom users to more quickly take action to prevent meeting disruption.

The Security icon replaces the Invite button in the meeting controls. The Invite button has been moved to the Participants panel, and hosts can add additional guests there.

April 1, 2020

Issue: Participants Cannot Hear Audio When a Video is Played

Solution: When you share your screen, make sure to click Share Computer Sound (see bottom left of image).

Note: When showing video based content, i.e. YouTube, Vimeo, etc., also check “Optimize for Full-Screen Video clip”.  By doing so, you will increase the frame rate of the video playback and will allow for smoother playback.


March 30, 2020

Update to Zoom Default Setting for Screen Sharing
Zoom has recently adjusted the default setting for screen sharing, so that only hosts can screen share. If you want participants to share their screen (such as for a student presentation), when you are in a Zoom Meeting, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the up arrow at the right of the “Share Screen” icon in the Zoom controls.
    (If you do not see the arrow, share your own screen, then click stop share.)
  2. Click on “Advanced Sharing Options”
  3. On “Who Can Share” click on “all participants.” Keep the third setting at “only host.”
  4. Click the x in the upper right of the dialog box to close it.


If desired: You can also change this setting in your CUWAA.ZOOM.US profile by following these steps:

  1. Log into your profile at CUWAA.ZOOM.US
  2. In the navigation panel, click Settings.
  3. Under In Meeting (Basic), scroll down to Screen Sharing heading
  4. Switch on the option for All Participants.

Downloadable PDF with screenshots: Update to Zoom Default Setting for Screen Sharing

Pregnant and Parenting: Supporting Our Students

This program was presented at Concordia University Wisconsin, Mequon campus on Monday March 9, 2020. Below is program description and resources.

Pregnant and Parenting: Supporting Our Students
Monday March 9th, 2020  12:10 to 1:00pm Lakeshore Room, Mequon Campus
With Elizabeth Polzin (AVP – Student Success), Jan Chapman (Director, ARC), and Amber Schiessl, Director of Graduate Enrollment. Introduced by Mercedes Fisher.

This program is for faculty and staff.

Today’s students include many who are “post-traditional” in at least one respect, such as students who are veterans, parents, 25 years of age or older, or work full time while attending school. These students are undergraduate as well as graduate students, and may be found on campus, online and in our accelerated programs. Nationally, 26% of all postsecondary students in the U.S. are parents (PPNI, 2018) https://pnpi.org/post-traditional-students/

During this session, we will consider how to support and encourage success among students who are pregnant and parenting. Topics include policies and resources for pregnant students, resources for student parents, stories from student parents, and effective institutional and instructional practices that support pregnant or parenting students. Free lunch is available for the first 20 faculty and staff who register.

This is the first in a series of quarterly Lunch ‘n Learns focusing on strategies to align post-traditional learners with students success. Post-traditional learners have been a growing presence in America’s postsecondary education institutions since the late 1970s and now makeup close to 60 percent of enrolled undergraduates. Post-traditional learners are students who frequently must balance life, work, and education. These students are typically ages 25 and older, care for dependents, are veterans or in the military, and work full time while enrolled.

For more information on this program, contact Elizabeth Evans, Director of CELT at X 4283 or elizabeth.evans@cuw.edu


Concordia University Policy Pregnant and Parenting https://www.cuw.edu/about/offices/title-ix-sexual-harassment-policies/_assets/PregnantParentingStudentsPolicy.pdf

Building Family-Friendly Campuses: Strategies to Promote College Success Among Student Parents from American Council on Education  https://www.higheredtoday.org/2017/06/12/building-family-friendly-campuses-strategies-promote-college-success-among-student-parents/

Pregnant and Parenting PPT March 9, 2020

Concordia Library Resources – Spring 2020 Updates

Greeting from Rincker Memorial Library!
Some new resources as we approach mid semester.

#1 New APA Manual 7th Edition Resources

Recorded webinars are available from the Choice YouTube channel:

Creating References Using Seventh Edition APA Style
What’s New in APA Style—Inside the Seventh Edition of the Publication Manual of the APA

NEW CUW Library Help Guide: CUW APA Citation Style Guide (7th ed).

#2 New Video Tutorials
A number of new video tutorials are now available:
Business Scholarly Articles
Find Company Information
Education Scholarly Articles
Find Print Journals
Interlibrary Loan
Find Books of the Shelf

Need a different video? Send new video tutorial requests to elaine.gustafson@cuw.edu

#3 New Video Playlist

Looking for a short instructional video about source types or the research process? We’ve created a new playlist of high quality videos from other colleges and universities which are Creative Commons Licensed and free to link in Blackboard or share with your course during class.
Videos for Instructors Playlist