Fall Brown Bag Faculty Book Discussion “From Brain to Mind” by James Zull Fridays Noon – 1pm

Are you interesting in learning how you can improve your teaching based on how the brain learns? Please join us this fall on Fridays at noon for a faculty development book discussion group on “From Brain to Mind: Using Neuroscience to Guide Change in Education” by James E Zull.   Zull is Professor of Biology. Biochemistry and Cognitive Science at Case Western Reserve University and was the Founding Director (Emeritus) of the University Center for Innovation in Teaching and Education.

Location: R006

The dates are:

Friday September 7 – Introduction, pick up your book at this session (10 free books for those who sign up and are able to attend all sessions)

Friday  September 21 – Chapters 1 and 2

Friday October 5  – Chapters 3 and 4

Friday October 26th – Chapters 5 and 6

Friday November 9th  – Chapter 7 and 8

Friday November 30th – Chapters 9 and 10

Sign up here

Smart Board Software Links

Here is the information for the Smart Notebook Software.

If you would like to download the Smart Notebook Software to play with on your own computer, go to http://www.smarttech.com/us/Support/Browse+Support/Download+Software.

You will be asked for a product key.  Please contact CELT for access to this key.  The license states that you can download the software for free on other computers, but may not use the software on competitor’s products, so you can’t use the software with a different brand of interactive white board (so you can’t use it on a Promethean Board).

You may also be interested in the social network on Ning for Smart Board using educators http://smartboardrevolution.ning.com/ or http://eduscapes.com/sessions/smartboard/.  The National Library of Virtual Manipulatives, Shodor Interactivate, and NCTM Illuminations are great resources for any Interactive white board, computer lab activities, for a math center with a few classroom computers, or with 1 computer and a projector.

If you teach with a Promethean Board at some point I recommend checking out http://www.prometheanworld.com/ for resources for Promethean Boards.  Promethean Boards also have a great deal of resources.  I’m just not as familiar with those.   Let me know if you have any questions.

Nicole Muth Ph.D.

Concordia University Wisconsin

Middle Childhood Through Early Adolescence Department Chair


CELT Mission Statement

Concordia University Wisconsin’s Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching develops faculty for excellence in teaching in the face-to-face and blended learning environments, including the meaningful connection between faith and learning, to support Concordia’s mission of Christ-centered Lutheran higher education. CELT encourages self-reflective, scholarly teaching among Concordia faculty through consultation, collaboration, and community.