2012-2013 CELT Programs (archive)


Concordia Intramural Teaching Grant (CITG) Award Winners 2012-2013

The following individuals have been awarded the Concordia Intramural Teaching Grant for 2012-2013 for innovative teaching.

–  Dr. Soenksen and Dr. Angus Menuge for Team Teaching Winterim Travel Course –  Athens and the Cross

– Dr. Mark Wolf and Dr. Harald Tomesch for Team Teaching Winterim Course –  Theology and Film

– Dr. Angus Menuge and Dr. Mark Wolf for Team Teaching Spring Course –  The Lord of the Rings and Philosophy

– Dr. Ann Franz for up to $2000 conference and travel funds to develop blended learning features in her courses

Introduction, Intermediate, and Advanced ANGEL!

Are you interested in learning the basics of how to use ANGEL, having a refresher, or perhaps some Intermediate training? Or, would you like some Advanced training on how to transfer courses from Blackboard to ANGEL? Sign up for any of the following webinars happening this August. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Tom Davila at thomas.davila@cuw.edu or call at 262-243-4327.

Introduction to ANGEL
Wednesday, August 16th 2012 at 1:30-2:30pm, CDT (2:30-3:30pm, Eastern) – Sign up here
This introductory session will get you started in using ANGEL to manage your courses online. Topics covered include: logging into ANGEL, managing your ANGEL homepage, adding documents to your ANGEL course and enabling you course for students.

Advanced ANGEL: From Blackboard to ANGEL
Friday, August 17th 2012, Noon-1:00pm, CDT (1:00-2:00pm, Eastern) – Sign up here
If you would like to learn more about moving content from a course previously held in Blackboard and importing it into ANGEL so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel, this is the one for you!

Intermediate ANGEL
Wednesday, August 30th 2012, 1:30-2:30pm, CDT (2:30-3:30pm Eastern) – Sign up here
The Intermediate ANGEL webinar will delve deeper into building a course in ANGEL. Topics covered include: building discussions, creating quizzes, using and building the grade book, and customizing your course homepage

Smart Board Software Links

Here is the information for the Smart Notebook Software.

If you would like to download the Smart Notebook Software to play with on your own computer, go to http://www.smarttech.com/us/Support/Browse+Support/Download+Software.

You will be asked for a product key.  Please contact CELT for access to this key.  The license states that you can download the software for free on other computers, but may not use the software on competitor’s products, so you can’t use the software with a different brand of interactive white board (so you can’t use it on a Promethean Board).

You may also be interested in the social network on Ning for Smart Board using educators http://smartboardrevolution.ning.com/ or http://eduscapes.com/sessions/smartboard/.  The National Library of Virtual Manipulatives, Shodor Interactivate, and NCTM Illuminations are great resources for any Interactive white board, computer lab activities, for a math center with a few classroom computers, or with 1 computer and a projector.

If you teach with a Promethean Board at some point I recommend checking out http://www.prometheanworld.com/ for resources for Promethean Boards.  Promethean Boards also have a great deal of resources.  I’m just not as familiar with those.   Let me know if you have any questions.

Nicole Muth Ph.D.

Concordia University Wisconsin

Middle Childhood Through Early Adolescence Department Chair