Beginning January 2019: Respondus LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor at CUW and CUAA

Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor

The university has purchased a license for Respondus LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor. This product, which has two aspects, works with tests delivered in Blackboard. The LockDown browser is appropriate when the instructor is in the room during the test. When using LockDown Browser, students cannot print, make screen captures, access other web pages, or access other applications while taking the exam. Students access the Blackboard test through this custom browser on lab computers, or the browser can be downloaded on students’ own laptops.

LockDown Browser is now available in the computer labs at Mequon and will be available in January at CUAA and the Centers. Instructors at Mequon were notified about a training for anyone wanting to use it for final exams in face-to-face courses this semester. Students should be notified 7 days in advance when using LockDown browser. Lockdown Browser can be used by any instructor teaching face-to-face courses. The CELT provides instructor support for face-to-face courses.

Also in January, the Respondus Monitor aspect of the product will be available. Monitor combines LockDown Browser with an additional level of security that creates a recording of the student during the test. Monitor is appropriate for online and blended courses where the instructor is not in the same room with the students when they are taking the test. Monitor requires that students have a computer with a camera and a microphone. Monitor takes students through an authentication process, like showing their face and their CU ID, for verification of student identity, which is important when high-stakes exams are taken at distance. Monitor records the audio and video of the whole test session. Instructors using Respondus Monitor need to notify students at the beginning of the course they will be using this process for exams. Resources and language for inclusion in your syllabus are available through OCDE and CELT.

Over a certain threshold, there is an added per student, per course cost for the Monitor aspect of the license, so deans have been asked to identify the courses that need this added level of security and identity verification. The added cost is the same whether there is one test or many tests in a course. Some of our specialized program accreditors like OT and Nursing are looking for this heightened verification of student identity for distance education. Instructional designers or Blackboard support people are the only ones who should enable Monitor in courses. OCDE will be deploying Monitor in identified online and blended courses they support. If you want your course considered for Monitor, please talk to your department chair or dean.

Where to go for more information:

For help for a face-to-face course, contact the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) at or call 262-243-2358 or 1-888-377-7447 (select option 2).

For help for fully online and dual credit courses contact the Office of Continuing and Distance Education (OCDE) at  or call 262-243-4327 or 1-888-377-7447 (select option 1).