Concordia Faculty Seminar: Erin Regis-Bailey and Amber Melick, New Doctorates

Concordia Faculty Seminar: Erin Regis-Bailey and Amber Melick, New Doctorates

Wednesday November 29, 11:00 am – Noon Central/Noon – 1:00 pm Eastern via Zoom 

Erin Regis Bailey, Assistant Professor and Clinical Education Coordinator in the Department of Speech-Language Pathology on the Mequon campus, recently completed her Doctor of Speech-Language Pathology (SLPD) degree from Northwestern University. Her culminating project was entitled “Exploring the Teaching Motivations, Barriers and Benefits of Medical Speech-Language Pathology Community Clinical Educators: A Qualitative Descriptive Study Design.”  

Amber Melick, Assistant Professor of Health and Human Performance, who teaches in our Master of Science in Athletic Training (MSAT) program on the Ann Arbor campus, has recently completed the Doctor of Athletic Training (DAT) degree from Temple University.  Her capstone paper was titled The Effect of Collaborative Patient Simulation on SPICE-R Scores of Health Education Students. 

Concordia Faculty Seminars are informal interactive presentations and conversations on faculty and staff projects including grants, research, and service designed to promote scholarship, spark new ideas, provide opportunities for meaningful discussion, and increase collaboration. Faculty, staff, and students are welcome to attend. 


Blackboard Portfolios

This document includes the following sections:

  1. Access Blackboard Portfolios
  2. Create a Portfolio
  3. Edit a Portfolio
  4. Preview and Customize a Portfolio
  5. Add Artifacts (even before creating a Portfolio)
  6. Submit Your Portfolio in Blackboard
  7. Share Your Portfolio with Anyone
  8. Comment on a Portfolio
  9. Download Your Portfolio
  10. Instructors Only: Create a Portfolio Assignment (“drop box”)

Blackboard Portfolios PowerPoint

Blackboard Learn Portfolios 05232023 Directions


Creating and Sustaining an Effective Curriculum

Creating and Sustaining an Effective Curriculum 

Friday, November 17 Noon – 1:00 pm Central/1:00 – 2:00 Eastern via Zoom 

With Leah Dvorak, Elizabeth Evans, and Erin Laverick 


Effective curricula at Concordia are rigorous, relevant, coherent, current, experiential, explicit, and well-communicated to students.  They are also aligned with the mission, university learning outcomes, and program learning outcomes Effective academic programs result in healthy enrollment, retention, and completion numbers, demonstrate learning as expected by the faculty, and use continuous improvement.  At this session, we will present tools for planning, implementing, and improving such curricula.  The audience for this program includes faculty, department chairs/program directors, and deans. 



Best Practices for Managing Blackboard Course Size

Best Practices for Managing Blackboard Course Size 

Friday November 10, Noon – 1:00 pm Central/1:00 – 2:00 pm Eastern via Zoom 

 Led by: Tyler Shadick 


This session is for faculty. Blackboard courses have a finite amount of space before the maximum is reached. During this session, participants will learn best practices for sharing large files in their course such as videos and voiceover PowerPoints. We will also explain how using the course Content Collection can save additional course space and save you time when documents need updating or are shared in multiple locations within a course. 

PowerPoint Course Size


Getting Started with Panopto with Justin Frisque

Getting Started with Panopto with Justin Frisque 

Friday, November 3, Noon – 1:00 pm Central/1:00 – 2:00 pm Eastern via Zoom 


The audience for this program is faculty. Panopto is a tool used to record and share videos, including voiceover PowerPoint recordings. Participants will learn how to access Panopto to create recordings and integrate the Panopto tool in your Blackboard course. Also covered is the organization of videos within Panopto and setting viewing permissions. 


Service-Learning Experiences

Service-Learning Experiences 

Thursday, November 2, Noon – 1:00 pm Central/1:00 – 2:00 pm Eastern via Zoom 

Presenters: Julie Parve (Nursing), Robert Wahl (Computer Science), Heather Fortuine (Rehab Science), and Elisabeth Bennett (Business) 

The audience for this program is faculty. In alignment with CUW’s GLO “Service and Citizenship”, you can now offer your students a chance to learn while serving others. Come join us and get inspired to add a transformative learning experience to one of your courses. We will discuss the availability of grants for service-learning experiences and how to apply as well as examples of service-learning experiences that have been impactful to students and the community they served. Feel free to come and share your ideas as well. 

Service Learning powerpoint
