Syllabus Issues, Alignment with Catalog, and Updates to Banner Course Information Forms

Friday October 20, Noon – 1:00 pm Central/1:00 – 2:00 pm Eastern via Zoom 

With Elizabeth Evans and Allison Wolf 

The audience for this program is faculty, department chairs, program directors, academic support staff, and deans. 

The Academic Office has seen an increase in syllabi submissions that contain information misaligned with Banner Course Information (BCI) data. BCI data is used by the Registrar’s office to create the catalog and scribe Degree Works program audits. Syllabi provided to students should match the catalog information for the year in which a course is offered.  

This session will focus on our need to provide students with syllabi that match the current catalog year, the submission of syllabi to the Academic Office by Department Chairs and Program Directors, and what to do when changes to a syllabus, and its BCI data, are needed. Other areas that need attention for improvement of syllabi will also be covered in brief, and an explanation and demonstration of the updated BCI mach form will be provided. 

Resources from this program are attached below:

