UDL Small Bites: Scaffolding Part Two 02/23/2023

UDL Small Bites: Scaffolding Part 2, Practical Examples and Q&A 

Thursday February 23, 2:00 – 3:00 pm Central/3:00 – 4:00 pm Eastern via Zoom 

With Taylor Richards 

This is a continuation from the Scaffolding session held Fall 2022. All are welcome even if you could not attend part 1! Scaffolding assignments helps students raise the quality of their work. During this session we will have some hands-on exploration of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Scaffolding IRL (in real life) as the kids say! Bring your questions and examples. We’ll have some examples to share as well.  


PowerPoint UDL Scaffolding Part 2

Leadership Challenges: Uncomfortable Conversations 02/17/2023

Leadership Challenges: Uncomfortable Conversations 

Friday February 17, Noon – 1:00 pm Central/1:00 – 2:00 pm Eastern via Zoom 

With Leah Dvorak 

Audience: Department Chairs and Program Directors 

Effective leaders balance building positive relationships with delivering challenging information that needs to be communicated. When change is needed in individual performance or in the way a group works together, uncomfortable conversations may follow. This session provides department chairs and program directors with specific strategies for managing uncomfortable conversations while maintaining positive relationships with their faculty and staff. 



Universal Design for Learning 02/20/2023

Universal Design for Learning 

Monday February 20, Noon – 1:00 pm Central/1:00 – 2:00 pm Eastern via Zoom 

Led by Janis Chapman, Director of Accessibility Resource Center 

Expand your understanding of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and how it looks in higher education. Incorporating UDL principles can benefit all students, not only those with a disability. 




Copyright for Faculty 01/17/2023

Copyright for Faculty 

Wednesday January 18, 11:00 am – Noon Central/Noon – 1:00 pm Eastern via Zoom 

Led by Maria Becker (CUW Library) and Susan Gallanis (CELT) 

During this session, the presenters will provide a brief overview of copyright and fair use. We will discuss how this applies to content shared with students both in the classroom and in your Blackboard course.



Respondus 4.0 Test Builder

Respondus 4.0 Test Builder 

Tuesday January 17, 2:00 – 3:00 pm Central/3:00 – 4:00 pm Eastern via Zoom 

Led by Susan Gallanis 

Respondus 4.0 Test Builder software is available to CUAA faculty to create and manage tests offline. Tests can be printed to paper or published to Blackboard. During this session participants will learn how to retrieve a Blackboard exam and convert it to an MS Word document. We will also demonstrate how to import test questions from an MS Word document into Respondus, then upload to your Blackboard course. 

Session Recording


Questions Answered:

  1. Can the question type Fill in Multiple Blanks be formatted on a document for import into Respondus 4.0? Yes. They question type is FMB and is included in the Word template.
  2. Can feedback be added when converting a Blackboard test to a Word document? Yes. The example I used during the session was only the Test, so providing feedback to answers isn’t applicable. If you wanted to convert a Blackboard test to an Exam WITH answers, the feedback option in the Respondus settings appears. See screenshot below.
  3. How are images formatted on a document for import into Respondus 4.0? For Word documents, you can just add the image to the document. For .txt documents do the following:
    1. First, be sure the images are in gif, jpg, or jpeg format and are contained in a separate folder.
    2. Then place the following tag at each place where an image should appear: [ img: “filename.jpg” ] . The word “filename.jpg” should be replaced with the actual file name. Example: 3) The interferometer, shown here [img: “interferometer.jpg”], was used by which of the following scientists?


Practices and Processes: Online Programs, Courses, Faculty, 1/13/2023

Practices and Processes: Online Programs, Courses and Faculty 

With Madelyn Kempen, Susan Gallanis and Diana Belscamper of the CELT 

Friday January 13, Noon – 1:00 pm Central/1:00 – 2:00 pm Eastern via Zoom 

Audience: Department Chairs and Program Directors, Deans, Academic Administrative Assistants  

This session features the current practices used in most programs for planning, development and support for online programs, courses and faculty by the CELT and departments, including the development and deployment of master courses; responsibilities of department or program staff (for hiring, textbook examination copies, and pay); faculty development for teaching online; and faculty responsibilities and support during the online course. This session provides updates to the many changed institutional practices related to online instruction after the implementation of FLAC, the move of the Instructional Design Team to the CELT, and the move of Blackboard Support to the HELP Desk.    

Session Recording


New and Returning Faculty Development Day 2023: Designing/Refreshing Your Course and Syllabus

Below are recording and resources for this session held January 11, 2023.



New and Returning Faculty Development Day 2023: Blackboard Tests and Respondus LockDown Browser

Below are session recording and materials for this program held on January 11, 2023.

