Practices and Processes: Online Programs, Courses, Faculty, 1/13/2023

Practices and Processes: Online Programs, Courses and Faculty 

With Madelyn Kempen, Susan Gallanis and Diana Belscamper of the CELT 

Friday January 13, Noon – 1:00 pm Central/1:00 – 2:00 pm Eastern via Zoom 

Audience: Department Chairs and Program Directors, Deans, Academic Administrative Assistants  

This session features the current practices used in most programs for planning, development and support for online programs, courses and faculty by the CELT and departments, including the development and deployment of master courses; responsibilities of department or program staff (for hiring, textbook examination copies, and pay); faculty development for teaching online; and faculty responsibilities and support during the online course. This session provides updates to the many changed institutional practices related to online instruction after the implementation of FLAC, the move of the Instructional Design Team to the CELT, and the move of Blackboard Support to the HELP Desk.    

Session Recording


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