Below are recording and resources for this session held January 11, 2023.
- 1-CELT_CourseSyll Design_01-2023 CUW CUAA 01-09-23
- 2- Bloom’s Verbs, Assessment and Questioning Strategies
- 3-Blooms Taxonomy Wheel Color
- 4- CU Evaluation of Instruction Proposed Model 2019 E Evans
- 5- Overview of Design Diagram
- 6- Concordia-Syllabus-Template-7-1-2022
- 7- New syllabus template e-mail July 1 2022
- 8 – DBA 9120 Scholarship Inquiry Syllabus M. Hurtienne 10-22
- 9 – EDG 5245 Supervision of Instruction for Literacy 08-22
- 10-MSAT 350 – Applied Biomech Arthrokin Smith Spring 2022
- 11- PSY 310 Theories PersontyStark 12-21 (2022 template)