Faith, Learning and Scholarship Faculty Development Session 4/29/2019

Faith, Learning and Scholarship Faculty Development Session
Lunch and Learn at Mequon or via Zoom

Monday April 29, 12:10pm—1:00 pm in the Lakeshore Room or via Zoom
with Angela Walmsley, Elizabeth Evans and Jason Lane

Concordia, as a Christian Lutheran community, can be the leader in faith and learning scholarship. Join the over 40 full-time faculty who are already doing scholarship on faith. Get together with others interested in developing a teaching and learning scholarship project around faith, service, or vocation for 2019-2020. We will form a faculty learning community to support one another in our learning and accountability in completing our goals. Learn how the CITG grant can support this work with a $500 stipend. Free lunch for the first 20 faculty who register in advance to attend in person at Mequon. Get your lunch and bring it to the Lakeshore Room starting as early as 11:45. There is also an option to attend by Zoom.

Handouts for today’s session:

Here is another article of interest
Smith, D. Ed., Um, J., & Beversluis, C. . (2014). The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in A Christian Context. Christian Higher Education, 13(1), 74–87.
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Contact the CELT for further information on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and Faith and Learning at x2358 or

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