New and Returning Faculty Development Day
Thursday January 4, 8:15 – 4:00 Central/9:15 – 5:00 Eastern
Designing/Refreshing Your Course and Syllabus
Led by Kate Robertson and Elizabeth Evans
Learn about and incorporate best practices in course design, and syllabus development. Discussion includes how to improve your objectives, align course objectives with assessments, the Concordia University syllabus template latest revision, and how to connect to program and Global Learning Outcomes.
Blackboard Basics
Led by Tyler Shadick and Elizabeth Evans
Learn how to add content, Blackboard Assignments (“dropboxes”) and set up the gradebook for a Spring course! This is an ideal session for faculty new to using Blackboard. The session is for those who set up their own Blackboard courses.
Engaging Your Learners
Led by Kate Robertson
Effective teaching fosters learning; students need to be engaged for learning to happen. This session introduces strategies to engage students in multiple instructional modes.
Blackboard Tests and Respondus LockDown Browser with Monitor
Led by Tyler Shadick and Elizabeth Evans
The first half of this session will show how faculty can create Blackboard Tests using three commonly used question types. The second half of the session will cover Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor. Faculty will learn the difference between LockDown Browser and Monitor, and how to enable the appropriate settings based on where students take the test.
Faculty Resources
Led by CELT and ORSP (primarily for full-time faculty) (for set up: EE, SG, Wayne Thompson, Janessa Doucette)
Learn what resources are available to you as faculty, including research/scholarship support, where to find them, and who to contact if you need more help.