Respondus LockDown Browser: Information for Students

Information for Students

Respondus LockDown Browser used for online exams.

**Google Chromebooks are not compatible with LockDown Browser. Discuss options with your instructor.**

Concordia University Computer Requirements: CUW/CUAA

You must download and install LockDown Browser to your computer.

If you experience difficulties trying to download and install LockDown Browser, contact the IT Helpdesk at 262-243-4357 or email

IT Helpdesk Hours:

The Respondus Help Center is in addition to the technology assistance provided by the Concordia IT Help Desk. Once Respondus LockDown Browser is installed on your computer, students have access to the Respondus Help Center that includes an option for live chat with Respondus Technology Support (available 24/7). See this document for details. Respondus Help Center for Students

To take an exam using LockDown Browser:

  1. Close all computer programs.
  2. Click on the LockDown Browser icon on the computer. (You won’t be able to access the exam with a standard web browser.)
  3. If taking an exam in a Concordia computer lab or testing center, you will be prompted to close the Teamviewer application installed on the computer. Click ‘Yes’. You may need to click ‘Yes’ multiple times.
  4. Login to your Blackboard course.
  5. Navigate to the test.

Here is a short video that shows a student view of accessing LockDown Browser to take an exam:

When taking an online exam, follow these guidelines:

  • Before starting the test, know how much time is available for it, and that you’ve allotted sufficient time to complete it
  • Turn off all mobile devices, phones, etc. and don’t have them within reach
  • Clear your area of all external materials not permitted — books, papers, other computers, or devices
  • Remain at your desk for the duration of the test
  • LockDown Browser will prevent you from accessing other websites or applications; you will be unable to exit the test until all questions are completed and submitted.

Watch this short video to learn more about LockDown Browser (watch up to minute 1:15):

For more information about using LockDown Browser, review this Student Quick Start Guide:

Follow this link for LockDown Browser system requirements:

 It is recommended you use a laptop or desktop computer. Using and iPad with Respondus is not recommended. Google Chromebooks are not compatible with LockDown Browser.

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