Best Practices for Managing Blackboard Course Size

Best Practices for Managing Blackboard Course Size 

Friday November 10, Noon – 1:00 pm Central/1:00 – 2:00 pm Eastern via Zoom 

 Led by: Tyler Shadick 


This session is for faculty. Blackboard courses have a finite amount of space before the maximum is reached. During this session, participants will learn best practices for sharing large files in their course such as videos and voiceover PowerPoints. We will also explain how using the course Content Collection can save additional course space and save you time when documents need updating or are shared in multiple locations within a course. 

PowerPoint Course Size


Getting Started with Panopto with Justin Frisque

Getting Started with Panopto with Justin Frisque 

Friday, November 3, Noon – 1:00 pm Central/1:00 – 2:00 pm Eastern via Zoom 


The audience for this program is faculty. Panopto is a tool used to record and share videos, including voiceover PowerPoint recordings. Participants will learn how to access Panopto to create recordings and integrate the Panopto tool in your Blackboard course. Also covered is the organization of videos within Panopto and setting viewing permissions. 


Service-Learning Experiences

Service-Learning Experiences 

Thursday, November 2, Noon – 1:00 pm Central/1:00 – 2:00 pm Eastern via Zoom 

Presenters: Julie Parve (Nursing), Robert Wahl (Computer Science), Heather Fortuine (Rehab Science), and Elisabeth Bennett (Business) 

The audience for this program is faculty. In alignment with CUW’s GLO “Service and Citizenship”, you can now offer your students a chance to learn while serving others. Come join us and get inspired to add a transformative learning experience to one of your courses. We will discuss the availability of grants for service-learning experiences and how to apply as well as examples of service-learning experiences that have been impactful to students and the community they served. Feel free to come and share your ideas as well. 

Service Learning powerpoint


Classroom Observation of Faculty

Friday, October 27, Noon – 1:00 pm Central/1:00 – 2:00 pm Eastern via Zoom 

Leaders: Catherine (Kate) Robertson 

 The audience for this program is Department Chairs, Program Directors, and Deans. During this session, we will review and discuss the teaching observation process and form used for summative faculty observations, primarily for in-person classes. We will also share effective strategies for the observation itself and the post-observation discussion. Best practices for sharing constructive feedback, and tips on how to use the form (link to observation form) for formative, peer observations will also be shared. 

PowerPoint: Classroom Observations 2023


Facilitating Acute Care Competencies & Confidence in Physical Therapy Doctoral Students: Outcomes of a CITG Project

Wednesday October 25, 2023 from 12 – 1 pm  HS 109 – SHP Simulation Lab 

With Stacy Stolzman & Physical Therapy Doctoral Students  

Last year, the Concordia Intermural Teaching Grant (CITG) supported a teaching and learning project to expand student learning using the new School of Health Professions Simulation Lab.  This presentation will show how DPT students gained acute care competencies and increased confidence in a graduate course taught by Dr. Stolzman which was supported by grant-funded faculty development at Mayo Clinic and grant-funded equipment used in the lab.  See the students in action completing an acute care simulation scenario and learn the critical pieces of simulation learning. While food is not usually allowed in the Simulation Lab, you may bring your bag lunch for this event. 

Resources from this program are attached below:


Syllabus Issues, Alignment with Catalog, and Updates to Banner Course Information Forms

Friday October 20, Noon – 1:00 pm Central/1:00 – 2:00 pm Eastern via Zoom 

With Elizabeth Evans and Allison Wolf 

The audience for this program is faculty, department chairs, program directors, academic support staff, and deans. 

The Academic Office has seen an increase in syllabi submissions that contain information misaligned with Banner Course Information (BCI) data. BCI data is used by the Registrar’s office to create the catalog and scribe Degree Works program audits. Syllabi provided to students should match the catalog information for the year in which a course is offered.  

This session will focus on our need to provide students with syllabi that match the current catalog year, the submission of syllabi to the Academic Office by Department Chairs and Program Directors, and what to do when changes to a syllabus, and its BCI data, are needed. Other areas that need attention for improvement of syllabi will also be covered in brief, and an explanation and demonstration of the updated BCI mach form will be provided. 

Resources from this program are attached below:



Just in Time – Blackboard Grade Center Set Up

Wednesday October 11, 2:00 – 3:00 pm Central/3:00 – 4:00 pm Eastern 

Presenter: Susan Gallanis 

Mid-semester is approaching so now is a good time to review your Grade Center. During this session we will discuss the difference between a points-based and percentage-based Grade Center. We will show how to set up a percentage-based Grade Center, including the import settings for any Grade Center such as setting the “external grade”. Bring your questions! We will answer as many as we can during the session. 

Resources from this program are attached below:



Update to ARC Practice and Policy on Accommodations

Monday September 25, 3:00 – 4:00 pm Central/4:00 – 5:00 pm Eastern 

Facilitators: Jordan Beck, Elizabeth Polzin, and Erin Laverick 

Recent changes to ADA law have impacted the ways in which CUWAA serves students through accessibility services. The Faculty Senate created an ARC Ad Hoc Committee dedicated to learning more about how these changes impact accommodations and faculty work. During this session, we will discuss the changes to ADA law, how the changes impact the accommodation process, and provide a summary from the Faculty Ad Hoc Committee. Time will be allocated for faculty questions, comments, and suggestions for further learning during the session. 


Resources from this program are attached below:



The Successful Department Chair/Academic Program Director

Concordia University
Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching

The Successful Department Chair/Academic Program Director 

Friday, September 8, Noon – 1:00 pm Central/1:00 – 2:00 pm Eastern via Zoom 

Presenter: Leah Dvorak
The audience for this program is Department Chairs and Program Directors. What are the expectations for the role of Department Chair or Academic Program Director? An effective chair or academic program director manages faculty, staff, programs, courses, and processes vital to student success. The effective chair also fosters a healthy departmental culture and establishes efficient, collaborative decision-making processes. A strong department chair or program director uses both management skills and leadership skills to create and sustain a successful department in which faculty and staff feel engaged and energized.    
Click here for a recording of the session.
PowertPoint Presentation:

Academic Program Review (APR) Process and Purpose

Concordia University
Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
Academic Program Review (APR) Process and Purpose
Thursday, August 24, 2023 10-11 AM Central/11-12 noon Eastern
Presenters: Leah Dvorak, Brooke Johnson, Michele Hoffman, Elizabeth Evans
This session is for faculty and program leaders and focuses on our new process for Academic Program Review (APR) beginning in September. Topics include why this process is vital to a healthy program and the complement of academic programs at our university, and how the process will work. You will learn what information is provided by OIE and what information needs to be uploaded by program representatives. The system used for this process is new for APRST and will be explained in the August 22nd program on Academic Program Change. Those programs assigned to participate in September, October or November APR should send representatives to this session as well as the 8/22 session.    
Click here for a recording of the session.