Mequon Adjunct Faculty In-Service (In-Person Classes)

Please see the recording, PowerPoint presentation, and other information below:

August 2024 Adjunct Inservice

– PowerPoint Presentations:

Christ at the Center Adjunct In Service 08-20-24

08-20-24 Mequon-Adjunct-In-Service – Orientation

Presenters: Dr. Catherine (Kate) Robertson, Rev. Dr. Aaron Moldenhauer, Andrew Wahl (AV), Garrett Stremski (Help Desk), Jan Chapman (ARC), Devan Lenz-Fisher (Advising) 

Description of the event: The fall semester begins August 26! During this session for adjuncts teaching in-person classes on the Mequon campus, we will share important changes for this semester including the new First Assignment-Pledge for all students, the new “Alert” Tool – EAB Navigate, the new Best Practices for all instructors, how to find information on the new portal. We will provide access to resources addressing first day teaching, Christ in the Classroom, student academic support, Academic Resource Center services, classroom AV, Blackboard, and more. 

Information and handouts below from the event:

Attendance Reporting replaced by Enrollment Verification/First Assignment 08-20-24

Interactive Learning Activities

Short Portal Tutorial

Concordia Central for Students

EAB Navigate Basics and “Alerts”


ARC Resources

Best Practices for Teaching

Best Practices for Teaching  5.14 Faculty Handbook

Blackboard Basics 08/24
How to Find Your Class Roster, Photos, and Email Your Class

Faculty Helps for Blackboard

Faculty Handbook 5.14 Best Practices for Teaching

FLAC Acknowledgement How To

CUWAA Adjunct Faculty Handbook

Academic Calendar 

CELT Webpage

Set up your Concordia Zoom account 

Use Blackboard to

During the semester, Chapel is every day we have classes at 9:30 CUW Chapel Live Streaming

HESED Program Director Kelly Osowski 262-243-2022

Contact CELT with questions
