Mathematica Hands-On Training Seminar

Mathematica Hands-On Training Seminar

Tuesday November 10, 1-3pm on Pharmacy 149

Stay the entire time, or drop in for part of the time.

Click here to register.

Seminar presented by Neil Andrews from Wolfram, the makers of Mathematica. This will be an introduction to the software and hands-on help. Concordia University has purchased a site license. All faculty and students can download and activate the software for free, but it may be especially helpful for those in the math or sciences areas.

Downloading and installing Mathematica is easy through the Wolfram user portal (  You need to create a Wolfram account.  You can then download Mathematica and request an activation key.  Anyone with a or email should have no trouble obtaining an activation key.

Here is a link to a 6 minute overview of Mathematica:

The session will be recording for those who cannot attend.