Critical Conversations in Curriculum on Tuesday February 27

Between February and July, Bernard Bull will be hosting a monthly event to explore critical conversations in curriculum. This is an opportunity for faculty and academic staff to examine and discuss substantive issues about curriculum. This is not about curriculum as an exercise in compliance.

On February 20, we begin with a shared discussion on foundational questions for the series: What is curriculum? What are dominant viewpoints and philosophies about curriculum in higher education? Is there such a thing as a distinctly Christian and/or Lutheran curriculum? How are beliefs and values manifest in a curriculum, and What are the implications for living out Concordia’s distinct mission?

Readings for The first Critical Conversation in Curriculum
1. Education and the Abolition of Man –
2. A Faculty and Model of Higher Education for the Lutheran University –

Join us for future sessions by registering here:

Faculty and staff in attendance

Dr. Bernard Bull leading the conversation

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