CUAA Scholarship Boot Camp – Winter 2020
Tuesday January 14, 9:00am – 4:00pm in SCI 101
Come for a quiet place to work on your faculty scholarship projects, including your advanced study courses and dissertations. Sign up for the hours you plan to attend. The goal of this time is to produce tangible work. We provide the space and you supply the focus and attention to projects. Come as you are; arrive and leave as you need to. Writing/editing support, research design support and statistical planning and analysis support will be available.
Let us know in the registration link the hours you plan to attend. Indicate any writing, research and statistical support you are seeking. Let us know in the registration if you want lunch between 12:00pm and 1:00pm.
The deadline to request lunch is Tuesday January 7 at Noon. The last day to register if you don’t want lunch is Monday January 13 at Noon.